Golden Slipper
2 oz. Yellow CliartreuBe
Yolk of one eigg
2 oz. Goldwasser
Pour all ingredient® into cocktail glass slow so they
do not mix.
Creme de Menthe
Pack a eoektail glass with cracked ice, fill with iCrenie
de Menthe.
Creme de Menthe Frappe
Put the aboye drink in a shaker, fill shaker with ice
Italian Spaghetti (6 Portions)
1 19 1^
Meat Balls
wtt meat and othier ingredients form intf
b'3,ll;> JIQ hot fi3,t llTiti] fh/Tkt
j ' ^to hicllls., iFl'y mpof
balls and Pour off all^fTt 0x00^'^^^^^^ I^emov^mea^
pan. Add two cans Italian toi^toernn n
and boil until done andi quite thick remol ,
through strainer to remove seed^ IT- 1
paste. Put back in pan, bring to a boil sdai
simmer slowly one and a imlf hour^^
l^ok spaghetti immediately, wheto readv
on large platter on layer of cooik^
o®'"''®' ®'P'"ea(i
sauce and grated cheese, keep spreadine-^o"i,
and adding siauce a laver at a ttoe untn
? spaghetti
rest or sauce in bowralL bowi™?Seffheese t®"k ®®''^®
Excellent to serve with ale, heer or dry wine.