MechChem Africa
July 2017
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Atlas Copco................................................................ OFC
Bearings International............................................... 12
Bonfiglioli........................................................................ 10
Endress+Hauser........................................................... 24
Hägglunds....................................................................... 15
Hahn & Hahn.................................................................IFC
Helukabel........................................................................ 31
Hytec Rexroth Bosch JV........................................... 17
Krohne.............................................................................. 33
Marthinusen & Coutts............................................... 25
Omron.............................................................................. 29
productONE................................................................... 20
SMC Pneumatics.......................................................... 43
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Industry diary
Infrastructure Africa
21-22 August 2017
Johannesburg, South Africa
+27 11 483 9184
liz@infrastructure-africa.com ia@acaciaadvisory.com www.infrastructure-africa.comSeptember
Oil Analysis 1 – Understanding oil and its
12-13 September 2017, Namibia
Oil Analysis 2 – Report interpretation
14 September 2017
Kay Meyrick
+27 31 700 5460
training@wearcheck.co.zaPhotovoltaic (PV) Solar Training Course
27-29 September 2017
The Solar Training Centre, Potchefstroom
Henriette Kruger
+27 72 559 6471
ampak Glass has commissioned a
1.0 km high-pressure underground
pipeline, which feeds from the exist-
ing Sasol Gas Ltd’s transmission network and
ties into thenewly constructedNampakpres-
sure reduction station (PRS) in Germiston.
Implemented for strategic business rea-
sons, thehigh-pressureundergroundpipeline
construction includes apressure reducingand
metering station with two parallel lines, one
in service and the other on standby. Each of
the lines boasts: a filter separator to clean
the gas; an electric heater to heat the gas
prior to the Joule Thompson effect when the
pressure is reduced; a flowmeter tomeasure
gas flow; anda regulator and slam-shut valves
for pressure reduction and control and to
protect downstream equipment. The project
encompasses all necessary civil, mechanical,
electrical and instrumentation work.
According toMorkel du Preez, project en-
gineer fromSaiyl, “This high-pressurepipeline
andmetering station is oneof the fewinSouth
Africa that is not owned by Sasol. Energas
Technologieswas commissioned to supply the
insulation joints, isolation valves, control and
slam-shut valves as well as relief valves.”
The construction of the high-pressure
underground pipeline was overseen by
project management team, Saiyl, and com-
menced in April 2016 with basic engineer-
ing. Implemented from December 2016 and
concluded, withindeadline andbudget inMay
2017, commissioning activities on the project
have already commenced.
Construction of the pipeline took place
during the rainy season and over April, which
was a shorter than average working month,
because of the numerous public holidays.
“Tight schedule controls andproject accelera-
tion methods were instituted to ensure that
theprojectwas completedby its original com-
missioning date,” du Preez explains.
Laetitia Botha, product manager at
Energas, says that Energas Technologies has
been a leading supplier of specialised equip-
ment to the natural gas industry since 2001
and has extensive experience in providing
excellent support and after-sales service to
its clients. “Our technical expertise and wide
range of products played a pivotal role in the
awarding of the contract,” she notes.
“The success of our role in this project
is underpinned by the quality of the equip-
ment, service and commissioning support
we provide. These are attributes that make
Energas Technologies the ‘go-to’ equipment
supplier for new and existing gas metering
stations across thecountryand further afield,”
she concludes.
BMG World
BMG is set to officially open its recently
upgraded BMG World distribution and
engineering facility at a two-day event in
September 2017. “The reveal of the BMG
World facility in Johannesburg, is the
culmination of a consolidation and supply
chain re-engineering strategywhich began
nearly 10 years ago. The BMGWorld facil-
ity reflects the company’s ability to supply
world class integrated engineering solu-
tions to Southern African industries,” says
GavinPelser, managing director, BMG, part
of Invicta Holdings Limited.
“The R350-million improved facilities
containover 50000m² ofwarehousing and
more than 300 000 line items of product.
This enables BMG to continue to provide
high levels of operating efficiencies and
delivery service, in linewith the substantial
continued growth of the business.
The BMG World reveal will not only
highlight the company’s extensive range
of engineering components and technical
expertise, but there will be a focus on how
BMG integrates its vast product range and
extensive technical services into tangible
operational efficiencies.
This event takes place at BMGWorld in
Droste Park, Johannesburg, on 14 and 15
September 2017.
New opportunities
for gas operations
The newly constructed Nampak pressure reduction
station (PRS) in Germiston.
A new one kilometre high-pressure underground pipeline, feeding from Sasol
Gas’ transmission network, was commissioned by Nampak Glass from Energas
Technologies, which completed the construction at the end of May 2017, within
deadline and in budget.
The high-pressure underground pipeline
and metering station was constructed by a
workforce of around 50 people and repre-
sents new opportunities for gas operation
experts at the Nampak PRS facility.
Energas Technologies has been a leading
supplier of high-end and specialised equip-
ment to the oil and gas industries in Southern
Africa since 2001. Its core focus is to support
and supply equipment to the natural gas in-
dustry and its products find application from
thegaswell, through thedistributionnetwork
right up until the end user.
Energas Technologies also offers a range
of products from its supplier, HTT energy
GmbH in Germany, including fired heaters,
indirect heating and cooling units from-80 °C
to 400 °C, and heat recovery products.