Donna Adler
Personal Trainer, Aerobics, Poundfit Instructor
Her love of fitness began back in the 70's. She began teaching
aerobics and weight training in 1980. In 1984 Donna opened Ultimate
Aerobics Inc.; one of the first Fitness Studios in Fort Lauderdale. After
moving to Jupiter in 1995, she continued her career as a Personal
Trainer. Her Athletic accomplishments include running 5 marathons
and many half marathons. Presently her hobbies include cycling,
tennis, and snow skiing. Certifications: American Council on Exercise
(A.C.E.), Tony Abbott's Health and Fitness Institute, National Academy
of Sports Medicine (N.A.S.M.), Heart-saver AED (American Heart
Association). She also teaches group fitness classes which include
body sculpting, bosu balance training, and aerobic exercise. Fitness is
a way of life!!!!
Christine Inwood began studying training and teaching health fitness,
in her home country Austria, and brought her flair across the Atlantic to
America. Christine’s commitment to health and fitness began at an
early Age competed in Vienna / Austria in the Mini Olympic Games.
Christine is extremely passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. Her
aspiration is to share this love of fitness and proper nutrition with
clients. From weight management to sport conditioning, Christine
knows how to help clients of all ages get the results they are after.
Christine is certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine,
The Aerobic and Fitness Association of America and The International
Kinesiology Training Institute. She is also a Pilates Instructor, a Certified
Water and Spin Instructor. TRX & Rip certified trainer, and certified
through the Titleist Performance Institute as a Golf Fitness Instructor.
Christine Inwood
TRX & Rip certified Trainer, Pilates Instructor