the mixicoeogist.
La Casino Fizz.
Fill lemonade glass with fine ice to cool it. Put
in mixing glass two thirds fine ice, juice one
quarter lemon, one barspoonful sugar, three dashes
Curasao, white of one egg; shake well, strain, fill
with syphon Seltzer.
Rum Sour.
Fill mixing glass two thirds full of fine ice,juice
one quarter lemon,large spoonful syrup, one jigger
N. E., Jamaica or St. Croix rum; shake well.
Strain in star Champagne-glass with fruit.
An Eye-opener.
In tall, thin glass put one teaspoonful Bromo
Seltzer, one jigger Holland or Tom Gin (genuine),
fill with club soda; drink while effervescent.
Snow Ball.
Place on the bar a large lemonade glass full ol
fine ice, putting in a mixing glass one half table-
spoonful fine sugar, half jigger whiskey and white
of one egg. Fill three fourths with fine ice, shake
well and strain into the lemonade glass, after
throwing out the ice; then fill withimported gingel