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Alla Tymofeyeva


The article discusses the definition of the term ‘crimes against peace’

that is envisaged in Article 6 of the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal of 1945.

Following the judgment of this tribunal issued as a result of the Trial of the Major

War Criminals, the author explores the various forms in which a crime against

peace can be committed. In addition, the further development of the notion in

question in the theory of international criminal law is analysed on the basis of the

documents elaborated by the UN International Law Commission.


Článek pojednává o definici pojmu „zločiny proti míru“, kterou nalézáme

v článku 6 Statutu Norimberského tribunálu z roku 1945. Na základě rozsudku

tohoto tribunálu vydaného jako výsledek Procesu s hlavními válečnými zločin-

ci, autorka zkoumá jednotlivé způsoby, jak zločin proti míru může být spáchán.

V návaznosti na to je reflektováno využití výsledků procesu v teorii mezinárodního

trestního práva, zejména s ohledem na dokumenty vypracované Komisí OSN pro

mezinárodní právo.

Key words:

Crimes against the Peace, Nurnberg Tribunal, International Military

Tribunal, Trial of the Major War Criminals, Nuremberg, Nurnberg Principles, Charter

of the Nurnberg Tribunal.

On the Author:

JUDr. Bc. Alla Tymofeyeva Ph.D. works in the area of European

Convention Law. Her Ph.D. was acquired in 2011 at the Law Faculty of Charles

University in Prague. The title of her thesis is ‘Access to independent and impartial

court as a fair trial guarantee under the European Convention on Human Rights’. In

2009 and 2014 Alla undertook the traineeships at the Registry of the European Court

of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Currently Alla Tymofeyeva is a senior lecturer at

the Department of International Law of the Law Faculty, Charles University in

Prague. She holds seminars on Public International Law and Protection of Human

Rights in the Post-Communist Countries in the Context of the Case-Law of the

European Court of Human Rights. Alla is also a member of the Czech Society of

International Law.