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claims Robinson's

firing handled .properly,.b.

The lines



between East Central Junior

College and former basket–

ball coach Herman Robinson•

were more sharply defined

last week when the college

filed its answer to Robinson's

Chancery Court suit.

Robinson was ftred from


job at the Decatur based

school last spring and has

since brought suit against

college President Charles V.

Wright and the Board of

Trustees for reinstatement,

claiming that his release was

not handled according to the

published guidelines and po–

licies of the school.

Robinson is asking the

court to set aside his dismis–

sal and is also seeking

S27,291.52 in damages.

In its answer, the Junior

College claims that Robin–

son's dismissal was handled

properly and that he was

given proper notification at

every stage of the proceed–


Robinson, who bas been at

ECJC for seven years, earlier

claimed that he ftrst heard a



his dismissal and

met with Dr. Wright on

March 28, at which time

Wright indicated he knew



nothing about the coach

being released.

The fifty-one year old

Chunky native claims that he

was notified in a telephone

conversation with Wright on

April 13 that his contract

would not be renewed by the

Board of Trustees and re–

ceived written notification of

his termination on May 13.

Robinson's appeal to the

court is based primarily on a

booklet entitled ''East Cen–

tral Junior College Policy and

Procedure Manual.'' He says

the Board violated its own

rules by not notifying him in

writing of his dismissal by

March 15, as the manual

stipulates. He says the seven

week delay in receiving

notice from the school great–

ly decreased his chances of

finding another teaching job

for the 1982-83 school year.


its answer, the college

acknowledged the existence

of the 'Policy and Procedure

Manual,'' and admitted that

it had been distributed to

faculty employees. However,

school officials claim that the

manual was not a part of the

written contract with a facul–


member, thereby not



mandatory that a






- ---:\









dismissed teacher be notified

on or before March IS.

East Central's suit further

states that the manual was

never adopted by the ECJC

Board of Trustees and claim

that the booklet is not "a

recognized. accepted, adop–

ted and published statement

of policies, procedures, re–

sponsibilities, and obliga–


The college administration

also denies, according to the

suit in the Cha_ncery Clerk's

office, that the "Faculty

Handbook,'' which was dis–

tributed to teachers and

contained a section entitled

'Due Process' was ever a

part of the college's contract

with its employees.

The college also bases part


its arguments in defense

of Robinson's suit on a

phrase in the one page

contract that each faculty

member signs.


cites a line

in paragraph two which says:

"said employee unreserved–

ly agrees to be loyal to the

policies of the College as

outlined from time to rime by

the president. .. ''

The college counter-claim

stipulates that



"time to time" means "that




aotae oy any

deviations from said pub–

lished policies and proce–

dures as contained in said

manual and handbook."

The college claims that

on March 4, Dr. Wright

announced at a faculty meet–

ing that recommc;ndations

for hiring in the 1982-83

school year would not be

ready by March 15 and this

announcement amounted to

a policy change for any other

published announcements

concerning the March 15


Robinson, who could not

be reached in Decatur, has

reportedly taken a job as

basketball coach and assis–

tant principal at Good Hope

High School



County. In his seven years as

men's basketball coach at

East Central he compiled a

SS-81 record and had a 5 and

17 season in 1981 -82.

In his ftling with the court,

Robinson is asking for


519,768 salary, plus S840 he

would have made as a

dormitory supervisor,




frin_ge benefit

and a 54,583 insurance bene–

fit which he says was wrong–

fully denied him.

The case is a part



court docket which will pro–

bably be called up for its first




Chancery Court opens in

Newton County September

20 in Decatur.