the forecast
Bombardier Business Aircraft
Market Forecast 2011-2030
Since the beginning of the recession, Greece
has been under the most intense pressure.
Continuous high levels of public debt are
forcing Greece to further fiscal tightening over
the coming years, weighing on economic
activity. The ongoing financial crisis is expected
to further dampen private consumption and
investment. As a consequence, the Greek
economy is expected to further contract in
2011. This is expected to be the third year
of GDP contraction in a row.
Overall, after contracting its GDP by 4.1%
in 2009, the Eurozone rebounded with 1.7%
growth in 2010. According to IHS Global
Insight, the Eurozone GDP is forecast to grow
1.5% in 2011. In the period from 2011 to
2030, growth is predicted to average 1.7%.
The recession may be over, but the econo-
mists are preaching caution as economic
growth carries on at a slowing rate.
For the last few years before the Great
Recession, Europe has taken an increasingly
prominent position in the business aviation
market. The region saw its share of world-
wide business jet deliveries jump from 12%
in 2003 to 31% in 2008. The main drivers
were the strong Euro relative to the U.S.
dollar, significant economic growth generated
by the expanding European Union, and the
emergence of branded charter business jet
The growing business jet installed base in
Europe will create a significant replacement
market, ensuring that this region will continue
to be a major source of demand for business
jets. As the forecast business jet penetration
curve shows, fleet per 100 million population
is expected to grow from 470 to 1,300 over
the next 20 years. Europe will receive the
second largest number of business jet
deliveries with 4,100 aircraft in the period
from 2011 to 2030; 1,900 aircraft between
2011 and 2020; and 2,200 aircraft between
2021 and 2030. The 2010 fleet of 1,800
business jets will grow to 5,190 aircraft by
2030 with a fleet growth CAGR of approxi-
mately 5%.
Fleet 2010 Deliveries Retirements Fleet 2020 Deliveries Retirements Fleet 2030
Fleet Evolution Forecast - Europe
Fleet, Deliveries, Retirements; 2010-2030
Sources: Ascend, Bombardier forecast. Excludes Very Light Jet and Large Corporate Airline categories.