2017-2022 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program
PAGE : 22 OF 123
Parks Master Plan Update
Project No.
Parks & Recreation
Public Works
Council Priorities
Enhancing Public Safety, Supporting Youth
Project Description
The Parks and Recreation Master Plan was most recently updated in 2002. With most of the centers outlined in
the plan constructed and in operation, the next update to the plan will focus on future park planning and
development. After engaging the community, an updated Parks and Recreation Master Plan will map a vision for
advancing the City's parks. Revision of the Community Park Master Plan will also occur as part of this process. In
June 2008, the City updated the Bikeways Master Plan, which contains new bike lanes, paths, and routes within
the City to aide non-motorized travel. The Trails and Natural Resources Study, which complimented the
Bikeways Master Plan, was completed in November 2007. Its main function was to identify new trails and
sidewalk connections, and also close gaps in the existing sidewalk system. In May of 2015 , the City hired MIG
Consultants to conduct updates to all these Master Plans. The planning process will run through December of
2016. Funds in FY 16/17 are for CEQA review.
Upon completion of the Master Plan the Capital Improvement Program will be updated with additional projects
that have been prioritized for the Park Impact Fund and Recreation Center Impact Fund.
Project Justification
The City's General Plan indicates the Parks and Recreation Master Plan is to be updated every five years. Both
the Trails and Bikeways Master Plans are in need of updating and combining the two plans will be more efficient