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responsibility and dedication, it is in fact the most casual show of

participation that has been achieved.

10-In consideration of all these points or given conditions of growth, and

out of respect for the contributions of these men and women who

make it possible with their bodies and their energies for Matrimandir

to become a material reality, we have consistently refused to allow

more of a discrepancy between the wages or salaries they receive and

the standards of living enjoyed by those Aurovilians who work

alongside them.

11-It is not within our field of action to significantly help raise or improve

the living standards of the Matrimandir workers alone, in isolation

from the workers elsewhere in Auroville, as this would have negative

consequences all round.

12-The labour situation at Matrimandir is actually faithful to the

instructions given by the Mother in the early years of the construction,

according to which Aurovilians were to constitute guiding frames for

the labour of large teams of workers. (Alas, the Mother also wanted it

built in 5 years!)

What Matrimandir needs is a steady and motivated team of Aurovilians sufficiently

dedicated to give unreservedly all of their time to the demands of the work, so that

the coordination of all activities is effective and harmonious.

And in terms of individual capacities what is required from the collective body of

Auroville is an organ which will bring together the most suited individuals and the

tasks at hand in all areas of its progress.

These individuals ought to be taken care of by Auroville in an organic way

expressing the fact of their belonging, by conscious choice, to a larger adventure

than is to be found in ordinary life elsewhere.

Such a thing as an “Aurovilian” clamouring to get Rs 2,000/- a month for doing, not

any better, the work that a hired worker is doing day after day for a salary of less

than half of this amount, ought not to happen.

Yet it does.

Therefore not only do we ask that at least a beginning is made in the direction of a

saner economy, but we ask also for a deep and all-inclusive review of all the values

we have given way to.

We feel that every single one of us all is responsible for the conditions we find

Auroville in and that courage is required from each of us to face these and to seek

the living truth that will open the way.”

- On the “Auroville Sangha”.

Note: The proposal for an “Auroville Sangha” had been floated for some time in the

community by some of the remaining members of the “French Group”, others

having left Auroville in the wake of L.V’s letter stating that Auroville was “finished”.

Their intent was to recapture the “true spirit of Auroville”.

The following text was my personal response to it.