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All along the spiritual history of mankind there seems to have always been,

attached to the will or the aspiration to reach the Lord, an element of ambition and


But the Mother and Sri Aurobindo have done something else entirely.

They have loved the Lord so much that they have known the whole world must be

His, Matter must be His field and all experience must at last vindicate His Trust and

Thrust into the unknown.

They have opened the gate of illusion and division towards manifest Truth, not

away from It.

This Force that now flows into the world needs to annul all our conditionings, all our

habits of separated ness, millions of years of habits encrusted and hardened as

bent energies.

Together the Two of Them have delved ceaselessly down, held the certitude in

Themselves and bourne it forth into its sleeping awaiting form until it responded

and a continuous flow of consciousness could know the Lord within the very cells of

the body.

The Mother then, standing to all appearances alone and exposed at the crest of the

fore wave, the Mother who could at last securely manifest the truest will, Herself

shows that even that realisation is still a separation.

Matter itself will bear the Supreme.

In the Matrimandir, as in the Mother’s hand, one touches the body of the Lord.

Yet it is far from certain that we want to touch It, that we want to be aware of It,

that we are willing to undergo the changes this awareness will effectuate.

So, until we are ready and willing, the Matrimandir has its levels of approach,

poised in the complete safety of itself: it is always where we seek it, albeit a little

higher and deeper, to magnetise our precarious flame.

Here in Auroville we did not come to an ashram to try and discipline our natures on

a given path; we came to the most exacting challenge: to make true, in freedom of

choice, our aspirations and ideals, with the only sure promise that, insofar as we

would remain sincere and willing to progress, the Help would be there.

This was not to be an island; we were not to be spared.

On the contrary, we were to become able to see things as they are, once the

trappings and the coverings and the professed intents have, under the merciless

Grace at work, ceased to appeal.

To “build” the Matrimandir, we have tried different ways and none brings any

satisfaction: each is lacking, each is incomplete, and each is largely dictated or

determined, sooner or later, by the predominant ignorance in our condition.

There is no glory in being poor instruments!

No matter how much the fire may be burning in us, we remain powerless before the

amount of pressure the general average status of earth-consciousness inescapably

applies at every point of the material grid.

The “inner being”, the consciousness, can only be an agent of contact.