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- 1996 -

Note: In 1996, in the face of mounting opposition to our work at Matrimandir as a

team and to an increasing level of controversy regarding such issues as control,

decision-making, design and access, we formulated the proposal to open a

permanent Forum, the “Matrimandir Forum”, where every point and every matter of

concerned regarding Matrimandir could be discussed openly and every choice of

direction could be processed by the community.

Foremost among the issues at the time was that of the “rights of control” over the

organisation of the work and the allotment of priorities to be exercised by donors,

in particular by Madanlal who had succeeded in legally establishing the entity called

“Matrimandir Fund-Raising Committee” and was seeking to dictate the scope and

the pace of the work as well as the manner in which it must be executed.

Another prominent issue that divided our team from Roger A’s team on site was

one of quality and standards; despite high claims to the contrary, the results of

their manufacturing coloured glass or subsequently polyester fibre reinforced

translucent coloured panels were far short off the mark and involved tremendous

waste, for which we, rather than them, would be held responsible.

This collective exercise lasted through 1996-97.

I have kept some of the documents that I had drafted on behalf of our team and

which were used as materials for the on-going discussions of the Forum which,

after a series of stormy, well-attended “Residents Assemblies”, met for many

months on a bi-weekly or even weekly basis.


*Proposal for a “Matrimandir Forum”, 6-6-1996:

“What could be a truly collaborative, constructive work that we could do together as

an Offering to Her?

Appreciating and recognising the concern expressed by most of the Community, we

would like to propose the following:

Let’s create a Matrimandir Forum where the team coordinating the work will present

at the beginning of every month:


A Financial Statement.


A Work Report.