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So the configuration we may draw from this talk is a park, surrounded by a circular

road, with a gateway: at the centre of this park, the lake; by the lake, solitary, the

Mother’s Pavilion, flanked by Huta’s house - the guardian house.

Later on in the same conversation, the Mother mentions the problem of water

scarcity, perhaps in terms of being able to keep the lake filled throughout the year,

and refers to the Americans’ research work:

Experiments on a large scale to transform sea-water and make it utilisable –

obviously, that would be the solution to the problem…

.Part II – The setting for the Mother’s Pavilion.

Next, we move to Her recorded conversation with Huta, which took place only two

days later on 25-6-1965:

Ah! Now, the Mother’s Pavilion – it will be surrounded by a lake, tall trees, various

kinds of flowers…”

Here it would seem that in the intervening two days the Mother has seen the

Pavilion on a built island, rather than merely “

by the lake


I especially want the creepers of hibiscus – Java – red flowers – Power upon the

outer dome of the Mother’s Pavilion. There will be rockeries, in Japanese style, with

varieties of cactus, small waterfalls, small pools with lilies, marble statues, marble

fountains and pavements decorated with precious stones


Later, She says:

This Shrine must have a vast area, not like this

(Mother took her handkerchief in

Her palm and closed Her hand

), so small. Also there must be a silent zone. No

vehicles should move in this area, there should be no noise of any kind


Here we remain with basically the same configuration as two days earlier, although

now the Mother’s Pavilion is on an island in the lake. The lake is surrounded by the

park, the park is surrounded by a road – it is itself a silent zone.

Now the Mother goes on to describe more precisely the Park itself, which She

names the Park of Unity:

The Park of Unity will be divided into twelve gardens, which will represent the

twelve attributes of the Supreme Mother; in these gardens I would like to have

various kinds of flowers – especially the different types of Hibiscus – the Divine



So now we have a more detailed and organised picture of the inner part of the

Park, directly around the lake: it is composed of twelve gardens.

Then, the Mother says:

On the other side, towards the boundary of the gardens, I wish to have huge trees

like palms, varieties of ferns, neem, Indian cork trees, eucalyptus and many other

beautiful big trees – they all represent unity and aspiration


So the picture becomes more alive and complete: towards the lake and facing the

Pavilion, twelve gardens; towards the boundary, that is on the outer rim if of the

Park, tall trees.

Thus the environment is created for the Mother’s Pavilion.

The following sentence, if taken alone out of context, would be confusing – we do

not know in fact whether, as Satprem did for all of the Mother’s talks with him,