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– something which is at the root of my inability to go completely into the movement

generated by Satprem through “Pour Tous”, something that again and again makes

me hesitate in identifying with it. It is related to the feeling I have of a

Consciousness that is utterly ‘cold” to our so-called needs but is all-wise and

materially omnipresent, yet that can be sort of understood in different ways and at

different levels… On the level where most of my nature lives, I must take the stand

of complete refusal of the SAS’s influence, it’s the only healthy thing to do and it’s

positive. But immediately behind it is another level, a need not to interfere, not to

identify with one way or another, not to be influenced even when it is most

attractive with the purity of an absolute and the conviction of a leap taken together

into the unknown…

I still have a feeling – I can only call it respect – towards the fact that all these

elements have been PUT here and that the way is so clearly shown: the real

progress that can take all of us together into a possible change is resting on a basis

of integrality, all the elements being present together through an evolving situation,

under the guidance of a Force that certainly has no sides and no sentiments and is

wholly concerned with the truth of the Manifestation.

And I find myself in this strange position where at the same time I can easily be a

carrier of the flag of an Auroville without the SAS, daring to be alone with the

Supreme in the midst of the world, refusing all imposed influences, and yet

something in me keeps me away, like saying: “look, this is already done

everywhere, it does not change anything, it is just below the level where the only

true change is possible!... “

And I found this from You:

« … Et l’état véritable… c’est une totalité qui contient tout, mais au lieu de contenir

tout en éléments qui s’affrontent, c’est une Harmonie du tout, un Equilibre du tout.

Et quand cet équilibre sera réalisé dans la création, cette création pourra continuer

à progresser sans rupture… »

But then comes the real problem. For that to be possible, a real and constant

sincerity of aspiration must be there. And if it is not there sufficiently, then things

take another turn and it seems one has then to accept certain necessities of

rejection and division in order to keep oneself on the right track…

The question then is: are we at such a moment when insincerity has led us to the

necessity of cutting off part of the whole, or is it an illusion and one just has to go

through the situation as it is?

And that quote continues:

« … N’est-ce pas, le Pouvoir est limité par les oppositions et les négations (le

pouvoir le plus puissant, c’est celui qui domine le plus, mais c’est une imperfection

complète!). Mais il y a un Pouvoir Tout Puissant, qui est fait de la fusion des deux –

ça, c’est le Pouvoir absolu. Et si Ca c’était réalisé physiquement… probablement ce

serait la fin du problème !!!... »

*2-6-1977, Auroville:

This afternoon I kept concentrated on: “what to do, what can we do, is there

something we can do?”…

And today the fatigue comes also from my being in the wrong attitude…