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There are 39 of us, it is a very small space in the Tindivanam jail; we get very little

sleep. Aurovilians come to bring us blankets and mats, some food… I feel very close

to Matrimandir.

*24-8-1977, Tindivanam:

All day a complete confusion reigned. We first refused to give our names, till Toine

and Johnny persuaded us; but it created even more confusion as the authorities

had now to form new lists. Many came to visit us and some would rather have

stayed with us.

The complaints against us are filled with lies, it is treachery…

I’m still upset at our noise, our jokes, attitudes, but it doesn’t matter.

In the evening they divide us in groups; I am in a group of 12, with Annappa and

Arjun; after a grotesque episode at the Court, we are taken into the very cell where

8 of us had been kept last July.

Jean, Johnny and Toine take care of us with the help of an advocate called

Radhakrishna who seems to be a good man, very involved in our situation.

The French Consul comes and is willing to help. In Auroville, Diane and Anita gather

all our passports and put them in the French Consulate’ safekeeping, regardless of


Later Fred came in, volunteered to sign his name and was formally arrested, and so

did Jacqueline; the police was completely bewildered! Jacqueline replaced Cl.B who

had to go for the children, so that makes 40 of us now. I could arrange, through

Marc-A., for the workers’ wages and he is also keeping the house.

*25-8-1977, Tindivanam:

All day long Johnny, Toine and the lawyer ran here and there against time to

prevent the police from moving us to Cuddalore where the SAS’s influence is much


We got news from Satprem who says that what is happening is very good, that he

has sent messages everywhere. The other group of us have been to Villupuram.

We are released in the evening, and spend the night in a lodge.

*26-8-1977, Auroville:

We had to wait till lunch hour to go to Court and get officially released on bail

(villagers giving guarantee). Then we rushed by bus over to Villupuram to see the

others; we’re allowed to enter the jail and stay all together a while.

Again I felt tense, I don’t know why… something in me makes me have an attitude

slightly different from the others’ attitude, it’s not clear yet, I lack confidence in my

own contact and I still try to be like them…

We reach Auroville at about 7.40 pm; everyone is waiting for us down the road

from “Aspiration”, joy and warmth as if for a great feast…

*27-8-1977, Auroville:

At 8.30 am the taxi comes and several of us pile in to go back to Villupuram and be

with the others; we have to stay there the whole day, till all are released and about

50 of us return in a long file of taxis and a van, reaching “Aspiration” at 7.30 pm;

the dinner is ready for all; we’re tired but full, and sure… Our house is Auroville, its

air, its spirit, presence, the house of Your children, Your work. Your Home!