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You, I felt it was possible, and I started to understand what sort of change was

needed in me, and it made me learn something… Then it slowly ceased.

*12-10-1977, Auroville:

At 8.30 am the bus came and took more than 70 of us to the Court… even Cyril

wanted to come! It seems that another list has been drawn of either 10 or 25 of us

who must leave India…

*16-10-1977, Auroville:

A rock in the head, I kept in bed all day…

In the evening P.V comes asking whether I know what Nolini seems to have

declared today, that “You have left the terrestrial plane and the Work is postponed

indefinitely…”… My first reaction was to laugh… Then it gave me the feeling that this

is the last attempt to block, before Your Centenary, the door or passage You have

left between You and here, and it led me back into that certitude, which I’ve had for

quite some time, that we absolutely must remain here, in Auroville, whatever

happens, keep the ground, with our faith in You. We must not accept, under

whatever guise it may come to us, the suggestion to leave. We must be faithful, in

spite of everything, even if we have to pass through the darkness of obscurity here;

this is our commitment to You; this is the only thing we can do, offer to You, Since

You are the One who acts and works; but his much we MUST DO…

*21-10-1977, Auroville:

I have no need, no cry, and no call. I am null. And yet…

*22-10-77, Auroville:

I was wondering if I should not rather leave, return to Europe, since being here

without aspiration at all equates to a lie, doesn’t it?

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I don’t know…

*25-10-1977, Auroville:

Before 8 am I went to Matrimandir, first to sweep the rainwater from the slab. R.O.

came and we waited for the others; he told me that Patricia might not come, that

she’d said she didn’t feel like going on when there is no collective effort and the

responsibility lies always on the same few people… I gave me a shock and I

meditated on it hard… Is it not this kind of reasoning and attitude, very much in

favour in Auroville now, which comes straight from death? If You’d had this

attitude, it is long since You’d have left men and the earth to their own crookedness

and mediocrity...

It’s like a great cry in me, we’re going wrong here; we do not help You!

Then a sort of will settles in me: it’s too bad if we do not collaborate, even when

You have created the ideal conditions for a progressive and positive effort, it’s too

bad if we only seek opposition, difficulties, tension, refusal and conflict…; but there

are beings for whom the divine reality is concrete, who know that the true world

and the conscious beings who belong to it WANT to manifest on earth and WILL

manifest, whatever is the resistance to it…