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Since this hypothesis is hardly tenable, one had then to throw all the emphasis on

the architect’s anointment – he the chosen instrument, the messenger, the single

spokesman and executor, divinely elected, therefore divine himself, or at least

vested with divine rights that are not to be scrutinised as human rights are. The

ultimate sanction is to have been given once and for all and for ever to whatever

would be his future actions and decisions.

Now, this thesis by itself was not going to be swallowed easily by all and sundry.

Some politicisation was required, some acquisition of ordinary powers –

hierarchical, legal, financial if possible.

This acquisition has been made possible by our Chairman.

Yet, even those two trends associated by all available means of persuasion were

not quite convincing.

Some remnants of lucidity, of mere alertness, might have seen through it.

An enemy had to be found, a resistance, an obstacle, ‘ill-will’ had to be attributed,

named, given a face, be made the receptacle of unpopularity.

This too was provided.

In such freedom as Auroville’s there is, don’t we all know it, the risk of our infra

rational nature gaining expression more easily than in an ordinary society where a

number of corrective mechanisms have been set.

Speak ill of someone, pass on a juicy piece of gossip, suggest a tinge, insinuate an

intent, evoke some dark purpose, and the thing is let loose. A few defamatory

pronouncements will then go a long way in the fabrication of a collective scapegoat.

And soon enough the stage is set for the issuing of positive accusations – ‘they

have misused at least 60 lakhs’, ‘they were going to take legal action against the

Governing Board’, etc.

Self-righteous indignation is fuelled in all the right places, so that even the idea of

verifying the value of these accusations is quashed. No question is asked – there is

no need. Everyone ‘knows’.

Yet the king is naked.

In every argument there is the same void.

What to do with that void?

(II). It is said that the entire erection of this big, big scaffold, the whole effort of

setting the architect as a king and the Chairman as his moral and legal guarantor,

has been at the service of all fundamental laws of Auroville.


Here the void, the absence, gapes even wider.

The individuals who constitute the collectivity of Auroville at any point in time must

become conscious of the Truth and able to serve it; each one of them must arrive

directly at a perception of the Truth, in full freedom, for Truth is a Reality, Truth is

objective. Such is the programme the Mother has given to Auroville.