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But a court must make its decision effective. Here is still a missing element, but no

doubt the next step will be to set up some sort of internal exit process, where

Aurovilians of ‘goodwill’ with a high sense of duty will obligingly get rid of their

undesirable brothers; otherwise, how can ‘the truth’ (it’s a pity to see how this

beautiful word which should be a liberating and enlarging one becomes an

enslaving one) be victorious against ‘falsehood’? Yes, Aurovilians will do this…!

Then what has worked so well, so ‘expeditiously’, in the Matrimandir question can

be applied to other domains like economy, education and collective organisation. It

is so efficient. We only have to be carried towards our aims by some sort of Big

Brother (BBGB?)!

All this can happen because of a fundamental weakness of ours: we have never

accepted to put into practice one of Mother’s indications which She formulated

several times under several forms: do not insist on your point of view but widen it

so that it can include the others in a higher harmony where they become

complementary to each other… We forget that if we refuse this path, Auroville is

impossible. We never had the courage to believe in it, stand for it and try it out

sincerely and firmly. This is our common comfortable little cowardice which we

prefer to cover with big words of self-justification. Something in our human nature

refuses to make this step, to surrender to Her vast integrality. Instead of

challenging the Mother, we would better accept to be challenged by Her. ‘Will you

accept the vast freedom of my all-inclusive Truth as the law of your progress?’

I don’t use exact quotations since in these days exact quotations are used to

consolidate exclusivism. I find it therefore healthier, almost as an act of spiritual

hygiene, to start from whatever understanding of Her we have treasured in

ourselves over the years, and to present it as a contribution to some emerging

common and living understanding we finally must arrive at. I believe that each

Aurovilian should be able to stand for whatever truth he can seize in his relation to

Auroville and to the Mother – She the Supreme, She the Consciousness, She the

Delight – and be firmly faithful to it. Not to cling stupidly to this truth’s exclusive

partiality, but make it an indispensable starting point for a final ‘complex unity’, so

that we can accept our diversity and explore our unity, progressively learning how

to grow together out of our limitations into something vast and all-reconciling: a

true totality.

And as a starting point to stand for, I feel closer to the flame I find in Arjun’s letter

than to the rather ambiguous and too skilful sweetness of our Chairman: to me

such a position is more reliable if we are at all to build finally this Auroville Mother

put in our groping but aspiring hands.

Jean Yves”

Note: The Aurovilians of the Auroville Council and Working Committee sent a note

of dismissal to Arjun and me; they thanked us for our many years of excellent work

and trusted that we understood it was now time to make room for others. I have

misplaced this note.

Note: We did not budge and went on with our work on site.