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*18-7-1978, Auroville:

I am going through quite a lot… I see my own vanity. And it is vanity that opens

one to this illusion of the “adversary”, although this is hard to recognise!

To live with C.E instead of living alone is a question to all of my actions; it opens up

a whole different life with its different attitudes and responses. In a very short span

of time I see many of my defects, ugliness, facts of “me” that must be offered as

they are and for what they are… And simultaneously there is anguish that I shall

not be able to make it and the intense gratitude to be given such a thing!

I met Ruud at tea-break who told me of the latest developments regarding

Matrimandir matters and invited me, with some insistence, to a small meeting this

afternoon with him, M.T, Toine, Al.B, Jacqueline, Ajit, but without Piero! I listened

to him, but didn’t feel at all like going. I feel too much out of it now or too incapable

to discern a way forward…

C.E seems to be pulled by his own contradictions, he is tired and somewhat cynical;

I tease him a bit… I would embrace him, he is so dear.

Big clouds are massing. V meets me at the new house and we watch from the roof

till the wind rises, driving dust before it and bending the trees down; we run then

and put everything away, and a big, dense rain comes at last…

I asked C.E whether he’d rather like to be alone; I do not want to be a weight on

him… I have so much to learn these days and yet it looks like nothing is happening!

*20-7-1978, Auroville:

With a full bag of vetiver grass and some other plants I’d just collected, I stopped

by at “Tapoloka” to see what was happening in the PT meeting; the topic of

Matrimandir was up again, Piero introduced it and Savitra spoke at length, and I

felt like going out… I don’t know how to explain… We seem to be reaching nowhere,

we keep onto the same old lines, rejecting and condemning and being offended or

so self-satisfied with our “collective process”, our so-called unity… But what I need

is more consciousness, that’s all! And at present I feel I’m more likely to find it by

going within – within myself as within the things I touch and experience -, than by

persisting with this “collective attempt”.

Yet it is also a question of love. I want to love, to know love.

…I found that the carpenters here had made a mistake with the staircase despite

my warning them twice; so I have to change its position and modify the floor

levels, which fortunately aren’t yet plastered; it bothered me at first, then I

adapted to the situation and found a way out which might actually be quite


*22-7-1978, Auroville:

Michael T told me there was no money at all today and the workers couldn’t be

paid; as I left I met Shyama downstairs and teased her about her survey of the

economics of each community and we started talking… What is the true way

onwards? To cut, to reduce, that can’t be it. To simply rely ignorantly on Your Grace

isn’t it either. And any cut first falls on the land, then on the materials and on the

villagers working with us… I could only say with some clarity that I felt the real

issue is in the need for us to open to the central Force of Auroville, its power of

cohesion which seeks to manifest through Matrimandir…