At Matrimandir there is today a quiet and positive atmosphere of active and
purposeful energy… Arjun brings me… a letter from Satprem…!
At noon, I also receive a letter from Jane Roberts. I keep both letters unopened
until I have come home.
Jane Roberts’s is frustrating: it is cordial and friendly, but also dismissive; she says
she has no time to look into Auroville with Seth… Perhaps their work is only
concerned with America?
Satprem writes:
« Le 11-12-79, Divakar, Les forces qui vous assaillent à Auroville et celles qui
assaillent l’Inde vraie sont en train de s’écrouler – elles vacillent ailleurs aussi. La
transition sera peut-être bien chaotique. Auroville est un symbole du reste. Le
monde est en train de passer dans une nouvelle ère, on l’a assez dit. Ecrire des
‘lettres’ aux vieux monuments croulants ? Je crois que c’est très bon pour vous, si
vous êtes tous d’accord. Mais l’important est cet accord. Et dans le chaos des
consciences, ce seul Phare – il n’y a que ça qui peut traverser. Si Auroville veut
vivre CA, c’est la meilleure aide qu’elle puisse apporter au monde et la meilleure
façon d’accélérer le mouvement de libération. Cette pureté d’aspiration, cette
sincérité d’aspiration, cette flamme simple, pure, que l’on promène partout avec
soi, c’est ça qui traverse tout. Avec vous. Satprem »
Satprem’s answer leaves me, as usual, dissatisfied! He keeps saying about the
falling apart and the chaos… I don’t know: I feel that You and Sri Aurobindo always
work with means and forces that are inevitably harmonious, that You seek always
to establish a new balance, a new equilibrium of the world forces… Perhaps I tend
to relate Satprem’s words to the old apocalyptic trend, which I dislike and distrust;
perhaps he means it differently. But I feel You would have answered my question
more directly… Yet I am happy anyway at his answering at all, because of the love I
feel for him…
*16-12-1979, Auroville:
Both J.G and H came to work with me on the reinforcement pattern for the roof of
C’s house and, with H’s suggestions, it gets further simplified…
…G.M and Marcia come in with their lunches through one door; P.G enters through
the other door…
… I had another striking dream of H: I am cleaning “my house”, but it is another
house, which is at once a garden and a house; bushes are “objects”, immobile yet
growing; I am at the same time steward and master of the place; I have to go out
for a moment, perhaps looking for a missing piece of a “mah-jong” set; when I
come back in, I find a huge cobra, extremely beautiful, brown and golden, lustrous,
coiled and still; after the initial shock of surprise, I concentrate so as not to send
any vibration, and slowly I move around it; and I realise then that the cobra is
resting on the head and shoulders of someone standing there; I turn full circle and
I see that it is a man, dressed with a black mantle, and this man is H; he had come
in to pray and offer his pranam before a photograph of You and Sri Aurobindo which
I have there; on the other side of his breast a cat is also resting… This gives me
somehow the measure of his progress in tantrism; I feel no fear but an odd mixture
of disgust and admiration, along with respect for his path; I can also feel that there
is no aggression in the act of entering the house to pray, but rather a strong
confidence, and it is alright…