… I dreamt of Sri Aurobindo, steering peoples and movements, containing their
effects into one inevitable direction, the growth of the awareness needed for the
next collective step for the whole earth…
*30-12-1979, Auroville:
C.E surprises me at noon. Yeti t is fitting, as I had dreamt of him last night, of us
naked. He wants me to come inside the house; he says he will make another
embroidery for me; we meet, slowly, with much care and the tender wish to relieve
each other…
*31-12-1979, Auroville:
This morning, M.D brings us the work he has done. He has been able to put
together most of the elements we had agreed should together form the
comprehensive document we wish to have ready for our communications. I find it
excellent, flowing and precise and quite complete. There are some unnecessary and
tedious comments made by some of us, but in the end we manage to all welcome
… The matter of the amphitheatre is raised again; F.Gr and Piero’s respective
positions are stated once more. The issue goes deeper, of course: what we must
find, eventually, is the place, the inner place, wherein conception and action are
both secure in Your Sense and one with Your living Will… We decide to give it some
time, a week, to try and see more clearly. We are only one of the terms and; as
such, what is required of us is transparency, honesty and… living souls!
… Late afternoon we all go to thoroughly clean and broom the amphitheatre for
tomorrow’ dawn; Cl and Martandar join us happily…!
Towards dusk we see a group of visitors led by… Madanlal! As Madanlal walks
nearer to the structure, Jacq, P.G and I overtake him and tell him, very quietly but
directly that, as he has now joined the SAS, we can no longer recognise his work.
Here is a man of great personal value, who yet could not take a firm stand for
Matrimandir, who could not be clear enough to remain free from these influences
that seek to control and to “own”…
… Quite often today, from some wakeful inner vigilance, I picked on my own vanity
– not from a forced mental decision – and it was good…!
There is a secret! The wise don’t know it; the careless don’t know it; those who
criticise, those who resent, those who are bitter don’t know it… And yet it exists and
it is our Guide…
This is what I would have wanted to happen, in this year of 1979.
That everyone, “friend” or “enemy”, everyone who has ever pledged themselves to
You, gather in one place, silently, freely, for a moment of consecrated offering to
You, whatever has already happened, whatever may happen, whatever will
The invitation was formulated thus:
“All those who have worked, prayed and aspired for Auroville,