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All those who love Her,

Are invited at a silent concentration, around the Urn in Auroville,

On the 17


of November, 1979

From 5.30 pm to 6 pm.

The one condition is that everyone arrives well in time and silently,

Concentrates silently and leaves silently.

To offer oneself, to open oneself to Her and Sri Aurobindo.”

“Tous ceux qui ont travaillé, prié et aspire pour Auroville,

Tous ceux qui aiment Mère,

Sont invités à une concentration silencieuse, autour de l’Urne en Auroville,

Le 17 Novembre 1979,

De 17h 30 à 18h.

L’unique condition est que chacun arrive à l’heure et en silence,

Se concentre silencieusement et reparte en silence.

Pour s’offrir et s’ouvrir à Elle et Sri Aurobindo. »

This could not happen.


*Note on a text:

It was probably sometime during that year, 1979, that I wrote the following short


“To communicate:

Everyone, every human being is concerned.

It is the first time in the history of the earth that a large number of people choose

consciously to gather in one place in order to progress together, to have the

experience of the true Reality together.

Regardless of any creed, religion, national or cultural situation, political or even

moral and ethical ideals.

Seeking no gain and no fame, having nothing to preach or to teach.

With only one aspiration and one need: to grow conscious, to become aware of the

true Reality and able to serve it, to manifest it through life in Matter, together.

To discover the inner means, and their outer expressions, of realising a harmonious

and conscious earthly existence, beginning with what they are and where they are,

pretending nothing and claiming no right but one: the right to make the

experiment, now.

And yet the same old story is repeating itself and the experiment is harassed,

attacked and undermined by the same forces of the old world.

Under the same guise: a society of self-righteous beings founding their strength on

the power of money, legality and influence.