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many tears…! I sometimes wonder if I am not letting people indulge in

misinterpreting what is simply an ill-understood intensity?

*9-3-1987, Auroville:

I am having trouble with the “father Asana”; since a few days, every time I am

about to settle on the right spot of the head and let the body-weight align on to it,

it seems to press a switch and I go off like a flame and loose consciousness at

once; so far I have managed to jump back down just in time, but it is very

intriguing… I have been learning for now about twenty years to open to the Force

flowing from above through the opening at the top of the head; perhaps then it is

contrary to now put the head down and to press on that very opening?

In a more general way I am struggling for a grasp on energies or, rather, the

different modes, qualities and intents of energy; there has been a recurrence of

sexuality for some days, and that specific mode is often met when doing asanas,

quite tangibly: when I am well oriented it is integrated, while when I am wavering

and mixed-up, it divides and begins to pull… And there are many other modes one

meets during one single day, according to one’s activities, to the time of day, to the

circumstances and the interchanges with others…

I have been reading these excerpts of Sri Aurobindo’s diary “Records of Yoga” from

his early sadhana in 1912… Oh Mother! Clearly, either You do the Work and one

only has to provide a steady receptivity, or else nothing will ever be accomplished

in our substance – it is impossible to expect us to be such sadhaks…!

*10-3-1987, Auroville:

I am hardly taking any notes of my nights now; this is all as if I was running

parallel lives: nightly it goes on, with their own sets of circumstances, situations

and people and relationships and events, but almost none of it ever seems to

express any higher, deeper or more useful state of consciousness than I am able to

experience in the daytime…

… Three weeks from now, I shall have to stop the work at “Ravena” if no funds

come in; I have considered trying to send an appeal again; but it feels like I have

done all I could in this direction, and I can now simply rest it all in Your hands and

await Your indications…

For me there seems to be nothing in front, nothing that I would rather do, or not

do, no particular future, no specific development; I juts wish, and pray, that it will

make sense, whatever it is: that it will be Yours…!

*11-3-1987, Auroville:

Trying to figure out what has been preventing me to do the head asana properly, I

observed several phenomena, and this morning I seem to have hit upon what is

perhaps the main resistance in my being: the resistance to manifestation, to

becoming, the resistance to existence and to Your Work in it; a tangible, almost

material refusal, a very powerful pull towards non-being, non-participation, towards

a return into some bundle of undifferentiated energy. And it seems to be that which

translates itself either into fatigue, weariness and lack of interest, or the reluctance

to express, to manifest, to share in any given situation…