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* Athletes or those who participate in regular intense exercise have a higher requirement of protein than those who do not.


Reward your

customers with

a small gift when

they reach an

important nutrition

or wellness goal with

the products. It’s

a gesture they will

remember. You’ll find

plenty of thoughtful,

Herbalife branded

gifts for sale on

Customer Questions

There are a few common questions or challenges you may need to help your customers through. Here are some to watch out for:

1. Not eating a balanced, protein-rich meal after a workout

As people start working out, their appetite will naturally increase. If they are not careful or organised, they might increase their

intake of convenience foods which are often high in simple carbohydrates and calories. So encourage them to have a protein-rich

meal after their workout and have plenty of healthy snacks pre-prepared for times when they may get hungry. It’s important that

when they do want to eat, they have healthy, calorie-controlled options readily available. Fruit, vegetable sticks or Herbalife protein-

rich snacks are ideal for these times.

2. Skipping meals or not eating properly

Skipping meals starves the body of vital nutrients and can slow down metabolism. This can weaken the diet and may also lead to

not following the product programme as directed.

It’s important your customers eat a healthy well-balanced diet that includes a colourful mix

of vegetables, complex carbohydrates and a lean protein option such as turkey, chicken,

fish or tofu.

Hunger pangs or cravings may arise from skipping meals, not making shakes as directed

on the label, eating inadequate amounts of protein or may be due to an insufficient fibre

intake. Fibre can be added by fruit snacks and/or Herbalife fibre products.

3. Not eating enough protein regularly

Getting an adequate protein intake is a key part of the Herbalife programme and many

people are surprised at just how much protein they need to eat! Help to educate them

on the benefit of protein, and advise them how much protein they need each day (we

recommend they have 1-2 g protein per kg body weight*, or you can determine their

protein factor using the Wellness mobile app or the BMI calculator tool on


Protein needs to be consumed at every meal time, not just once or twice a day. Following

the five small meal plan ensures they get protein at every meal, and is a useful way to help

them record how much protein they have throughout the day.

4. Not eating enough carbohydrates

Customers may try to limit the amount of carbohydrates they consume in order to control their weight. However, carbohydrates are

the body’s main source of energy for daily physical and mental tasks, and if carbohydrates are removed from the diet, the body’s

metabolism can slow down.

It’s essential that your customers are consuming the right type of carbohydrate. “Good” carbs are those that are the least

processed – foods like whole fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains.

Highly processed, refined “bad” carbs are foods like sugars, pastries, white pasta, and white flour breads, cereals and crackers

which have little to offer the body beyond just extra calories.

5. Not hydrating properly

Drinking enough water is vital for health. It keeps the body temperature regulated, allows us to breathe, is essential in digestion and

excretion and assists body movement, to name just a few. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day is recommended, but during

exercise or when in hot environments, we need to drink more because we sweat more.

Have your customer keep track of their fluid intake each day; not only the quantity they drink, but also the type of fluid is important

as it may be adding extra calories if they’re not careful.

6. Not having a varied exercise programme

A poorly designed exercise programme doesn’t encourage fat burning or lean muscle growth. For example, if your customer loves

running and does the same 5 km run, 3x a week but doesn’t include any strength or resistance training, their muscles will get

accustomed to only being used for running and not grow in strength and lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle mass you have,

the more calories you burn, even at rest.