Table of figures
Figure 1 : Africa features the highest poverty rate (US$1 per day) ....................................5
Figure 2 : Youth African labor force represents Africa most precious asset ......................6
Figure 3 : Africans are asking their governments’ to focus on creating jobs ......................7
Figure 4 : A typology of creative industries ........................................................................8
Figure 5 : Considerable increase in exports of creative goods ............................................9
Figure 6 : Exports of creative goods come mainly from developed economies................10
Figure 7 : A value chain characterized by fragmentation of the film industry..................14
Figure 8 : The future of Nigeria’s is in the non oil economy ............................................16
Figure 9 : Nigeria experiences a surge in film production ................................................17
Figure 10 : The movie industry could contribute significantly to the Nigeria GDP .........18
Figure 11 : Nollywood has a great potential in terms of exports revenue.........................18
Figure 12 : The difficulties for Nollywood to capture movies revenue ............................19
Figure 13 : A typical consumer basket in a developing country. ......................................20
Figure 14: Nollywood needs reform while creating youth employment..........................21