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The North Wall underwent a dramatic

transformation for last term’s school play,

Katrina Eden’s slick and spirited

re-working of Shakespeare’s


It was only the third time in 150 years

that pupils from St Edward’s had taken

on Shakespeare’s longest play, and the

cast proved that they were more than

capable of rising to the challenge. From

the moment the lights went up on Rosie

Motion’s set (an austere palette of grey

stone and mirrored surfaces) the audience

were transported to Elsinor castle.

Overwhelmed with grief following

the death of his father, and the perceived

betrayal by his mother, Queen Gertrude

(a graceful and dignified Elsa Robinson),

Hamlet embarks on a quest for revenge,

with tragic consequences. Max Brennan’s

portrayal of the eponymous Danish prince

was imbued with youthful angst and

gallows humour as he plots to orchestrate

a “mousetrap” to reveal the truth - much

to the consternation of the befuddled

Polonius (Harry Whattoff, lending a dash

of levity to the role) and his murderous

uncle, Claudius (a stoic Laurenz Claas).

The second half was altogether darker

than the first, focusing on Hamlet’s

murder of Polonius, and Ophelia’s

subsequent descent into madness.

Lara Paul’s powerful performance as

Shakespeare’s tragic heroine emphasised

the character’s vulnerability, her love

for Hamlet turning into confusion when

he spurns her affections. Her death by

drowning was a heart-breaking moment:

the usually offstage scene played out on

the balcony whilst Gertrude revealed the

news to the court.

As audience members in the front

few rows can attest, the final duel

between Hamlet and Laertes (Jack

Verschoyle) allowed the actors to

exhibit some astonishingly accomplished

swordsmanship. The final scene, where

Matthew Wilkins’ grief-stricken Horatio

cradles the deceased Hamlet at the front

of the stage, was a genuinely moving and

poignant end to the proceedings.

Throughout the play, the talents of

The North Wall’s technical team were on

full display, from the visual wizardry that

brought the ghost of Hamlet’s father to

life (with voice cameo from the Drama

Department’s own Mr Aldred) to the

haunting music underscoring the entire

production, composed by Jonathan

Keeley. Special mention must also be

made of the supporting cast, with brilliant

performances from Christina Kirkham as

the Grave Digger, Sassy Hammersley as

Fortinbras, and Honor Allen and Fergus

Flory as Rosencrantz and Guildernstern.

It was a spectacular staging, and all

involved should feel a great sense of

achievement for their efforts. On this

occasion, the play was very much the


By Amy Walters, Theatre and Marketing Manager, The North Wall
