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fertility were estimated at 22 kg nitrogen (N), 3 kg phosphorus

(P), and 15 kg potassium (K) per ha. In Zimbabwe, soil erosion

alone results in an annual loss of N and P totalling US$1.5 billion.

In South Asia, the annual economic loss is estimated at US$600

million for nutrient loss by erosion, and US$1,200 million from

soil fertility depletion (Stocking, 1986; UNEP, 1994).

Erosion is very significant in land degradation. On a global

scale, the annual loss of 75 billion tonnes of soil costs the world

about US$400 billion/year (at US$3/tonne of soil for nutrients

and US$2/tonne of soil for water), or approximately US$70/

person/year (Lal, 1998). It is estimated that the total annual

cost of erosion from agriculture in the US is about US$44 bil-

lion/year or about US$247/ha of cropland and pasture (Lal,

1998). In Sub-Saharan Africa it is much larger; in some coun-

tries productivity has declined in over 40% of the cropland area

in two decades while population has doubled. Overgrazing of

vegetation by livestock and subsequent land degradation is a

widespread problem in these regions.

The productivity of some lands has declined by 50% due to soil

erosion and desertification (Figure 16). Yield reduction in Afri-

ca due to past soil erosion may range from 2–40%, with a mean

loss of 8.2% for the continent. Africa is perhaps the continent

most severely impacted by land degradation (den Biggelaar



., 2004; Henao and Baanante, 2006), with the global aver-

age being lower, possibly in the range of 1–8%. With increasing

pressures of climate change, water scarcity, population growth

and increasing livestock densities, these ranges will be prob-

ably conservative by 2050.

Sub-Saharan Africa is particularly impacted by land degradation.

In Kenya, over the period 1981–2003, despite improvements in

woodland and grassland, productivity declined across 40% of

cropland – a critical situation in the context of a doubling of the

human population over the same period (Bai and Dent, 2006).

In South Africa, production decreased overall; 29% of the coun-

try suffered land degradation, including 41% of all cropland

(Bai and Dent, 2007a); about 17 million people, or 38% of the

South African population, depend on these degrading areas.

(Source: Bai and Dent, 2007).

Kenya land use and rain-use efficiency

Trend in biomass in 1981–2003

(left) and in rain-use efficiency

(RUE) in 1981–2002 (right).


creases in RUE could be due to

various factors, including degra-

dation and run-off, soil evapora-

tion, increasing depleted soils,

overgrazing by livestock or other

forms of range degradation.

Left map






Right map









major decline

moderate decline


Courtesy of ISRIC, Bai ZG and Dent DL (2006)