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P a g e
C o n f i d e n t i a l , c a n n o t b e d i s t r i b u t e d t o a n y o n e o u t s i d e H o s p i t a l i t y S o f t n e t
Winegardner & Hammons
"Shopping W & H should be FUN!" Shoppers need to be more CONVERSATIONAL, less rote
W & H wants their managers to sound completely different from all the other hotel managers - their focus is on
building rapport and uncovering needs. This means we need to sound different than we do on all of our other calls
Focus of the report is uncovering and selling to the needs of the client, so be a natural client, not scripted.
The managers need to practice their skills on us, we do not want to discourage them
Do Not Initiate Calls after 4:00 PM Hotel Time
All steps must be done verbally to earn points
All who answer the phone in sales are able to handle a sales call and can be shopped. If you are passed from a
coordinator to a sales manager then shop the manager. However if the call is handled by a sales coordinator (the
person is setting forth what they will to do next and gives no indication that another person will be phoning back)
continue the call and rate accordingly.
Please seek consent from our office. All Managers should have consent, so if you are informed otherwise please
alert Lisa Francisco prior to typing the report.
Close the shop call once availability has been confirmed
Follow up is not evaluated. Before hanging up, please alert the manager the inquiry is a shop and their General Manager will
be sent the shop call score and information. There is no need to request or wait for pricing information. IF availability cannot
be confirmed during the initial call, please leave the shop open until the manager confirms availability. In the unlikely case
you do not hear back regarding availability, please continue to phone the manager until availability is confirmed. Once
confirmed let the call continue to its conclusion and inform Manager the call is a shop using the verbiage below.
tentative close out date is once space availability is confirmed.
So if the manager confirms space availability on the
phone, ALERT THE MANAGER that the inquiry is a shop while on the phone just prior to the call ending and the shop is then
closed. (IF the manager says there is a tentative hold on the space requested and would have to check with another client,
REMEMBER to ask for an alternate date(s) while on the call as with all shops!!!!)
If no one from the hotel returns the initial call with a call or email within 2 total hours, please call and continue to try to reach
a manager. There is no need to wait 24 hours between calls.
“Thank you. There is no need to follow up on
this inquiry as this is a call ordered by Winegardner & Hammons. Your General Manager will follow up with you. Thank you
for your time and have a great day!”
Do Not Initiate Calls after 4:00 PM Hotel Time!
The hotel's goal is to have someone handle the call right away. There is
someone available until 5:30 PM or 6 PM in the sales office which allows a 2 hour window for a return call if a message is left.
If a message is left on the initial call, please indicate the person you spoke with or the name on the voicemail message.
This section applies to the Sales Department and questions #3 and #4 must be completed by the manager, not an assistant to
earn points.
Question #3 - to earn a Yes rating the manager must receive a Yes rating for 3A, 3B and 3C.
Sample for 3A – “What I would like to do is ask you a few questions so that I have a good idea of what you are looking for.”
Sample 3B – “This way I can make sure that I book the best possible space for you.”
Sample 3C – “Will this work for you?”
Question #6 - For Winegardner Hammons the Sales Manager has 2 TOTAL Hours to return the initial call. If the call is not
returned in that time you do not have to wait 24 hours before calling again. You can try again any time after the 2 hours has
passed, but need to try no later than 24 hours later. Please do not initiate any calls after 4:00 PM Hotel Time.
THERE IS NO QUALIFICATION SECTION ON THIS REPORT. We need not worry about divulging information before being asked
since there are no qualifying questions to be rated. Better we talk too much than sound guarded and unnatural.
The Needs will be provided on the assignment sheet. The manager can ask any kind of question to find out the "What" we
need in a hotel. We should not be holding out waiting for the manager to ask a buy factor type of question. So if asked
anything like "What do you need?" or "What are you looking for?" we should respond with the predetermined need(s).
Please give only 2 of the 3 needs initially. THE MANAGER NEEDS TO PROBE FURTHER TO LEARN WHAT ELSE YOU ARE
LOOKING FOR, we should not spoon feed them. If you have an assignment with only 1 Need listed, please give it when asked,
no need to wait for them to ask more than once. Again, this speaks to being a natural sounding client. They ask, we answer.
If the scenario is for a meeting, the 3 needs might be:
1. A room large enough for 50 guests; 2. Transportation to the airport; 3. VIP service
The 3 Needs Behind the Needs will be provided on the assignment sheet. An example of a need behind a need would be:
1. (Mtg. room large enough for 50) Provide a comfortable working environment. 2. (Airport transportation) Convenient and
saves costs for the overall event 3. (VIP Service) Provides an impressive meeting that reflects the image of the company.
Question #1 - Manager must complete all steps in Question #2 and Question #3 to earn a Yes rating for #1. So, the 3 Needs
and the 3 Needs behind the Needs must be scored as Yes.
If they ask you "What are you trying to accomplish with this event?" That would be a Need Behind The Need.
Important: The manager can uncover a Need Behind the Need without uncovering the Need. Please listen carefully for the
Needs AND the Needs behind the Needs, as they may not be done in order, and respond appropriately.
Continued Next Page: