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P a g e
C o n f i d e n t i a l , c a n n o t b e d i s t r i b u t e d t o a n y o n e o u t s i d e H o s p i t a l i t y S o f t n e t
AlliedPRA - This is a Destination Management Company
(DMC) Write
Intelligence Report
on the top of page 1
The tentative close out date 14 business days from the time the inquiry is submitted. Weekends and major
holidays are not included. However, it is required that we get a response so if we don't we continue the shop
until we do. Contact the account manager if not getting a response.
*DMCs are companies that organize various activities for a group. This can include transportation, spouse
events, recreational venues, restaurant reservations, VIP amenities, and more. We do not book the hotels
through them, so be vague about this area and say you are just starting to look at them or that another person
in your office is handling this. Right now, you are just trying to get the costs for using a DMC. We simply want
to know what it would cost to provide the services outlined in the scenario on the assignment sheet.
*These will always be COMPETITOR SHOPS. We are not shopping AlliedPRA, but their competitors in different
parts of the country.
*Detailed specifications about your event needs will be on your assignment sheet.
*We will submit the initial lead through electronically means using the DMC's website.
*We will pose as a person who has not worked with a DMC before, but your boss has. Because of how busy
things are becoming your boss is allowing you to investigate what the costs would be to use a DMC for an
upcoming event. Once costs are obtained, you will discuss with your boss to see if he will approve and support
the idea of using a DMC. If they ask any questions you do not know the answers to, this will explain why.
*BUY FACTOR SUGGESTIONS: Unique ideas for offsite events; Pricing; Smooth and helpful experience with the
DMC; Reliable transportation vendors; Excellent quality and service
We must get the pricing for the DMC's services to handle this for us. Not the prices of hotel rooms.
Financial Summary:
Please leave the fields blank for Total Room Revenue, Combined Room Rental and Estimated Food and
Beverage. We only need to list the DMC staff charges. You may need to look at the individual cost estimates
for transportation, offsite venue, etc and pull the DMC charges out. List them in a lump sum in the DMC Fees
field. If unsure? Just contact your account manager and we can help!
Initial Response:
If we do not receive a response to our internet inquiry after 48 HOURS (2 business days), we can email or call
them. If no response to the second attempt after 24 hours, please PHONE them.
#7 - Please mention AlliedPRA as one of the competitors if asked who else you are considering. As for all
competitor shops, you will need to mention AlliedPRA's name towards the end of the call if you are not asked
so we can evaluate how the competitor sells against them in the Overview. Be very careful how you say this to
not be spotted.
Presentation Selling Skills:
#6 - We must obtain a proposal for these shops, as they are competitor shops PROPOSALS ARE TO INCLUDE
PRICING FOR THE DMC STAFF/SERVICE. Please review the proposals to ensure this is provided. If needed,
please call the DMC to obtain it. Follow guidelines for naming and submitting proposals, menus, contracts,
and other collateral. Emails are not required unless they in place of a proposal and include pricing. The point
is to obtain the DMC pricing, not the vendor's pricing.
Overcoming Objection:
OBJECT, OBJECT, OBJECT 100% of the time to DMC pricing!
DMC may attempt to close VIA PHONE OR EMAIL. It is likely they may not close at all since we've not
confirmed hotel facilities yet.