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Page Background

The annual premium contribution by the Group is determined by PGB, based on the actuarial cost of

purchasing pension rights on an annual basis. The Group has no obligation to cover any plan deficits, nor

are there any specific separate plan assets dedicated to the Group in this pension plan that are managed

by PGB. After payment of the annual premium, the Group has no obligation to pay for additional

contributions or higher future premiums in the event of a shortfall at PGB, nor if the plan or the fund is

terminated. Furthermore, the Group has no entitlement to any surplus in the PGB pension fund. Future cash

flows are limited to the payment of future premiums for purchasing (new) rights for the years to come. The

premium is influenced by the usual, underlying actuarial assumptions, expected returns and agreed

contribution ceiling.

Besides Boskalis, multiple other companies have also arranged their pension plans with PGB. The Group

has no direct involvement in the governance of PGB. PGB does not hold specific, segregated pension assets

dedicated to the Group. The share of the Boskalis pension plans in total liabilities and assets at PGB is

limited. The plan assets of the Boskalis pension plans at PGB are actuarially calculated based on the

present value of liabilities administered by PGB.

Dutch multi-employer pension funds

Some of the Dutch staff, including personnel transferred to the Group following the acquisition of VBMS, VSI

and Stemat, participate in one of five industry-wide multi-employer pension funds, all within the framework

of the Dutch Pension Act as referred to above, of which Bedrijfstak Pensioenfonds Waterbouw is the only

one with a proportionately significant premium contribution by Boskalis of 20% (2015: 21%). As at

31 December 2016 the Bedrijfstak Pensioenfonds Waterbouw had a coverage ratio greater than 105%

(2015: greater than 105%).

The Group has no direct involvement in the governance of the multi-employer pension funds. Employers’

Associations, of which the Group is a member, designate some of the board members and / or supervisors

of the multi-employer pension funds. In addition, the boards also include representatives of employees and

retirees, possibly supplemented by one or more independent persons. The pension includes retirement and

survivor's pension. These pension funds have indicated they are not able to provide sufficient information

for a calculation in accordance with IFRS because there is no reliable and consistent basis to which to

attribute the pension obligations, plan assets, and the absolute and relative share of the Group in the fund

and to which to allocate income and expenses to the individual member companies of these pension funds.

As a result, these defined benefit plans are recognized in these financial statements as a defined

contribution plan in accordance with IFRS. In all cases relating to industry-wide multi-employer pension

funds, the Group has no obligation whatsoever to pay additional contributions in the case of a deficit in the

respective fund, other than paying the annual premium. Nor does the Group have a right to any surpluses

in the funds. The premium covers the actuarially determined cost of purchasing the yearly rights for

participants. The premium on the basis of the actuarial cost of purchasing rights in years is influenced by

customary underlying actuarial assumptions, expected returns and often agreed ceilings. The expected

contribution for the coming year is explained below.

Other pension plans

Other pension plans relate to, individually not material, multi-employer pension plans arranged with

pension funds in the United Kingdom and insurance companies in the Netherlands, Belgium, the United

Kingdom, the United States and until 1 December 2016 in South Africa (plan transferred together with the

sale of SMIT Amandla Marine), as well as to minor unfunded defined benefit plans for two Group

companies in Germany. These pension plans are in compliance with local laws and/or regulations

applicable in the aforementioned countries. With the exception of the plan in the United Kingdom, where

the Group may appoint one or more Directors or Trustees, the Group has no direct and/or significant

involvement in the governance of these pension plans. The pension plans are characterized by defined

benefit rights over the participant’s years of service, which are mainly based on average wages and

include retirement and survivor’s pension. These pensions are indexed, for the main part with a limit being

set to the available contributions and the return on plan assets, respectively. The pension liabilities and

pension assets are placed with and managed by the pension funds or insurance companies. The risk for the

Group relating to these pensions is therefore limited. With the exception of a closed pension plan in the

United Kingdom, the future cash flows for the other arrangements are limited to the actuarially calculated

annual premiums based on the cost of purchasing future pension rights. In other funded defined benefit

plans there is no enforceable statutory or regulatory direct obligation to cover any deficits to fulfil future

actuarial obligations. The contributions are subject to the customary, actuarial assumptions, expected

returns and agreed contribution ceiling.