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maintaining a solid financial position. Solid balance sheet ratios

and the use of diversified sources of funding provide for ample

capacity to absorb liquidity risks and the constant creation of

adequate borrowing capacity and guarantee facilities. The

company has ample credit and bank guarantee facilities at its

disposal and operates well within the agreed covenants under its

financing agreements.


The functional currency of Boskalis is the euro. A number of business

units, especially in Heavy Marine Transport, as well as several

substantial strategic joint ventures (Smit Lamnalco, Keppel Smit

Towage, Asian Lift, Saam Smit Towage) use other functional

currencies. The most important of these is the US dollar, followed by

the Singapore dollar. Most of the revenues and expenses of these

entities are largely or entirely based on these non-euro currencies.

The holdings in these entities are viewed from a long-term

perspective. Exchange rate risks related to these entities are not

hedged as it is assumed that currency fluctuations and developments

in interest rates and inflation will offset each other in the long term.

A large proportion of the activities of the group companies that

have the euro as their functional currency are not contracted in

euros. This particularly applies to the group companies that are

involved in dredging and related projects. The costs of these entities,

however, are largely based on the euro. Generally, the net cash

flows in non-euro currencies within these entities are fully hedged

upfront, usually by means of forward exchange contracts. The US

dollar exchange rate in relation to the euro is particularly relevant

in this context. A large proportion of the projects are contracted in

US dollars or in currencies that are to a greater or lesser extent

linked to the US dollar.

Most of our major international competitors in the dredging industry

also have cost structures largely based on the euro. This implies that

exchange rate fluctuations have no major impact on our relative

competitive position. In several market segments, particularly in

Offshore Energy, there is competition from parties whose cost

structures are not based on the euro, meaning that the competitive

impact of currency fluctuations in these market segments is greater.

On balance, exchange rate fluctuations only have a limited impact

on the company’s competitive position in these activities.


Because of the (constantly changing) mix of project and operational

results in a large number of countries and entities, various kinds of

taxes, such as income tax, wage tax, VAT and import duties, are

assessed and then paid in various countries. Profits are attributed to

countries where value is created in accordance with national and

international rules and standards, which can be extremely complex.

Knowledge in this area along with related compliance and

application are embedded in procedures within the Fiscal Affairs

function. In cases where insufficient knowledge is available in-house,

external advisors are used.


Our long-term financial liabilities are predominantly based on fixed

long-term interest rates, meaning that our exposure to interest rate

fluctuations on these is limited.


In a substantial part of its activities, Boskalis is exposed to risks

arising from changes in fuel prices. Fuel costs are hedged in a

Road construction work in the Netherlands.