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critical point of attention in operational management and in its

capital allocation decisions. As a consequence, individual

investment proposals are subjected to a thorough evaluation

and approval process.

In the course of executing its strategy, Boskalis also regularly

acquires companies. To achieve the anticipated results, Boskalis

attaches great importance to integrating such acquisitions with

care. Creating value for our stakeholders and retaining key

personnel are important elements in this process.



The main operational risks for Boskalis are related to the contracting

and execution of projects. For most of our contracting activities the

most common type of contract is fixed price/lump sum. Under this

type of contract the contractor’s price must take into account virtually

all the operational risks as well as the (cost) risks associated with the

procurement of materials and subcontractor services. In most cases,

it is not possible to charge clients for any unforeseen costs.

Furthermore, many contracts include milestones and associated

penalty clauses for if the milestones are not achieved on time. That

is why great emphasis is placed on identifying, analyzing and

quantifying such delay risks and the associated operating costs

during the tendering procedure and the preparation and execution

phase of a project.

Operational risks mainly relate to variable weather or working

conditions, technical suitability and availability of the equipment,

unexpected soil and settlement conditions, wear and tear of

equipment (especially dredging equipment), damage to third-party

equipment and property, the performance of subcontractors and

suppliers, and the timely availability of cargo or services provided

by the client in case of heavy marine transport and/or installation


The following measures are taken systematically to manage the

aforementioned risks in the tender, preparation and/or execution

phase of a contract:


During the tendering procedure and the contracting phase of

projects much emphasis is placed on identifying, analyzing and

quantifying execution, costs and delay risks. Contracts are

classified based on their size and risk profile. This classification

determines the subsequent course of the tender procedure and

the requirements for authorization of the tender price and

conditions. Above a certain level of risk, tender commitments

require authorization at Board of Management/Group

Management level.


In the preparation phase of a project tender and depending on

the nature and risk classification of the project, we gain insight

by conducting surveys and soil investigations, by consulting

readily accessible databases containing historical data and by

applying extensive risk analysis techniques. The results of the

risk analysis are then used in the process of costing the project

and in setting the commercial and contractual terms and

conditions for the offer to be issued to the client.


Risks related to price developments on the procurement elements

of a project, such as costs of materials and services, sub-

contracting costs and fuel prices, as well as the cost of labor,

are all taken into account in calculating cost prices. Wherever

possible, and especially on projects with a long execution time,

cost indexation clauses are included in the contract terms and

conditions, particularly regarding labor and fuel costs.


When a contract is awarded, an updated risk analysis is part of

the project preparation phase, based upon which measures are

taken to mitigate the risks identified.


In addition, much attention is devoted to the education and

training of staff, appropriate project planning and project

management, the execution and implementation of certified

quality, safety and environmental systems, and the optimal

maintenance of equipment.

Construction of a terminal in

Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico.