Prevention is a crucial part of safety awareness. Most accidents
can be prevented if people are fully aware of the (potential) risks
associated with the tasks at hand. In order to achieve a safer
working place employees are encouraged to report dangerous
situations using Safety Hazard Observation Cards (SHOCs).
The number of SHOCs in 2016 was 7,354, with 703 near misses
also being reported in the year under review. We view SHOC and
near misses reports as a measure of the proactive safety culture
within the organization. NINA encourages reporting of such
situations, allowing us to make proactive adjustments.
Repeat incidents can be prevented by analyzing the causes. In line
with our industry the list of most common incidents is headed by
tripping, falling and slipping. The number of entrapment incidents
is also relatively high, particularly with regard to hands and
fingers. In an attempt to prevent these incidents from reoccurring
we introduced the new Mooring Workbox and Safe Mind
Workbox, which provide practical training methods and tools.
For detailed reporting on
our safety policy and safety performance please refer to our CSR report.QUALITY MANAGEMENT
During 2016 we made great strides in developing a new uniform
quality management system: the Boskalis Way of Working.
The system is centered on an integrated business process and a
uniform customer approach. The basic principle of the system is
to keep quality as close as possible to the primary processes.
The system is based on and will be implemented to complement
existing processes, tools and certifications. The Boskalis Way
of Working will be introduced across the company in the course
of 2017.
In light of the strongly deteriorated market conditions a fleet
rationalization study was conducted in the first half of 2016.
Because these conditions are expected to persist in the coming
years the decision was taken to adapt the size and composition
of the Boskalis fleet. In the period up to mid-2018 a total of 24
vessels will be taken out of service: ten at Dredging and fourteen
at Offshore Energy. As a result, around 650 jobs will be lost
worldwide in this period, mostly involving crewmembers of the
vessels concerned. At the end of the year under review more than
250 jobs had been discontinued. The timing of the remaining
workforce reduction is partly dependent on factors including the
current deployment of vessels and national legislation.
Our field of work is largely project-based, and knowledge and
capital intensive. Talented, enterprising and highly skilled
employees are the key to our success, which is why talent
management plays a crucial role in the way we operate our
business. Talent management encompasses all the activities we
develop in the areas of recruitment, performance management,
training and development, and compensation and benefits. All our
efforts in these areas are aimed at ensuring the best possible
match between our employees’ skills and the qualifications needed
to execute our business plan and our strategy.
An important part of developing talent consists of recording and
supporting the personal development of our staff. In 2016, as part
of our HR information system Workday, we started rolling out the
performance management module, so that the entire performance
management cycle is now conducted in a uniform and interactive
Trainee programs for young talent
As a leading international company that undertakes high-profile
projects, we hold a great attraction for young people. We offer a
trainee program for graduates with a technical or financial/
economic background, who are further trained at our company
under the supervision of a mentor. They are introduced to a wide
range of our business activities and follow training modules to
increase their knowledge and develop their personal skills. A group
of 25 trainees is currently gaining experience on various projects
in different teams within the divisions during three six-month periods.
Young Professional programs
In order to expand our knowledge and expertise, we attract
experienced young professionals. In addition, we invest in
developing the competencies of our own young professionals, for
example in the areas of planning, calculation, risk management
and contract management. Our training portfolio is constantly
developing so that we can continue to meet the needs in the
market. In 2016 we once again selected a group of young
professionals for the Boskalis Offshore Professional Program,
which involves imparting knowledge specific to the offshore sector
in modules based on actual Boskalis cases. In addition, a group of
cost engineers continued their two-year post-graduate degree,
combining their learning experiences with working practice.
Boskalis also launched an ICT Young Professional program, in
which a group of employees is taking part. The program is aimed
at giving an impulse to the further professionalization of the ICT
Management Development programs
Leadership and personal development are a constant point of
attention within the organization. Developing personal leadership,
building an internal network and encouraging innovation and
entrepreneurship are important core values in our management
development programs. From February to December 2016, a
group of experienced tender and sales managers of various
nationalities participated in the Boskalis Contracting Academy.
The aim of the Boskalis Contracting Academy is to create further
awareness and common understanding of procedures, processes
and approaches in relation to tender and sales management.
In 2016 Boskalis started preparations for a new Boskalis
Operational Development Program (BODP). This program is
scheduled to start by the end of the first quarter of 2017. The
BODP target group consists of fifteen to twenty project managers
from the Dredging & Inland Infra, Offshore Energy and Salvage