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James J. Ivers, Esq.,

Director General,

The Law Society,

Blackhall Place,

Dublin 7.

10th August, 1989


Company Index Service

Dear Mr. Ivers,

I have your letter of 27th July

1989 about difficulties experienced

by one of your members in getting

through to the Company Index


The service operates from 9.15

am. to 1.00 pm. We find that it is

a very labour-intensive operation,

particularly at a time when limited

staff resources underline the need

to achieve maximum labour pro-

ductivity. I can appreciate the

difficulty outlined by your corre-

spondent and I regret any incon-

venience caused to your members

in the use of the service. I assure

you t hat e f f o r ts to develop

speedier, more productive systems

are a priority.

You will be aware that your

members can obtain an instant

response from our data base

through the use of a P.C. and a

modem. We hope to expand this

service, wi t h in the next few

months, to include a company

name search. These services will

offer a much speedier method of

obtaining company details. It is

hoped that greater utilisation of

these new services will lessen the

demands on the Company Index


Yours sincerely,



Companies Registration Office,

Dublin Castle,

Dublin 2.

Mr. Brian Bohan,

Law Society Taxation Committee,

Blackhall Place,

Dublin 7.

30th June, 1989.


Certificates of Discharge

from CAT

Dear Brian,

I refer to your proposals regarding

the issue of Certificates in certain

difficult cases.

In the circumstances the Rev-

enue Commissioners are willing to

agree the following procedure on a

trial basis:

When (a) the amount of tax owed

cannot be borrowed


(b) the purchaser's solicitor

is unwilling to accept the

undertaking of the ven-

dor's solicitor,

both solicitors may, with the prior

agreement of the Revenue, attend

the Capital Taxes Branch to close

the sale. The purchaser's solicitor

will hand to the Revenue repre-

sentative a bank draft (cheques will

not be acceptable) for the tax plus

interest to date of closing and in

return will receive a certificate of

discharge from Capital Acquisitions


As you state it is not en-

visaged that this procedure will

be necessary in many cases and

I would be grateful if solicitors

would ensure that the procedure

is availed of only in exceptional


The procedure will be reviewed

regularly and the Commissioners

reserve the right to modify or

abandon it if necessary.

Yours sincerely,


Principal Officer,

Office of The Revenue


Capital Taxes Branch,

Dublin Castle,

Dublin 2.

Mr. James J. Ivers,

Director General,

The Law Society,

Blackhall Place,

Dublin 7.

26th July, 1989.

Dear Mr. Ivers,

Thank you for your letter of 13th

July, 1989, conveying good wishes

on my appointment as Minister for

Justice. I note your assurance of

the Law Society's assistance in

connection with the Government's

programme of law reform. I know

the Society has a special interest in

the proposed Solicitors (Amend-

ment) Bill and I too am anxious to

ensure its early enactment.

Thank you for letting me have a

copy of the Society's proposals for

the reconstitution of the Land

Registry and the Registry of Deeds

as a Public Corporation. I was

already aware of the Society's

proposals in the context of the

review of the operations of the

Land Registry which I have under-

taken. In this regard, I draw your

a t t en t i on to my reply to a

Parliamentary Question on 18th

July, 1989, in which, effectively, I

announced the review. It is my

intention to give full consideration

to the Society's proposals in that


I am pleased to find that working

relations between the Department

of Justice and the Law Society

have been very good and I hope

they will continue in that spirit

during my term of office as


Yours sincerely,


Minister for Justice.




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