Gder Gjcfctail-
Use Thin Cider Glass*
/?%NE lump cut loaf sugar, saturated with
Angostura bitters; one lump ice; one
small piece lemon peel.
Fill with cold
cider, stir with spoon, and serve.
CoHee Gjcfctail-
C/sd Mixing Glass.
/^%NE teaspoonful powdered sugar; one
fresh egg; half spoonful Angostura
bitters; one portion port wine; one portion
Fill with ice, shake thoroughly,
and strain into a large cocktail glass. Grate
a little nutmeg on top before serving.
Florida Gicktail.
Use Medium-sized Tumbler.
.J^ILL glass three-quarters with ice, juice
of one lemon and one and a half
orange, three dashes Angostura bitters. Stir
with spoon and serve.