Brandy Smash.
Use Mixing Glass.
ALF teaspoonful sugar; half wine-
"J glass water dissolve •,
three or four
sprigs fresh mint •,
half glass fine shaved
ice; three dashes Angostura bitters; one
wine-glass brandy. Stir well with spoon.
Strain into fancy bar glass, and ornament
with fruit in season.
Brooklyn Kommel.
Use Cocktail Glass.
ILL glass with fine shaved ice, place on
J| top a slice oflemon. Pour the kummel
over this until the glass is full.
Buttered Rum.
Use Tumbler.
©NE lump sugar; dissolve in hot water j
one-third rum; two-thirds hot water;
butter the size of a walnut.
Grate a little
nutmeg on top.