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Geographically, Figure 41 shows that dry gas production

in the SNS region is typically much less expensive

(£12-13/boe) than in other areas of the UKCS. This is

despite the maturity of the region, with many fields in

the fourth decade of operation and close to the end of

their productive lives. This reflects the simpler technical

nature of the developments and the discounted sale

price of gas when compared to oil.

Fields in the NNS area, on average, will experience

UOCs twice those of the SNS, with aging infrastructure,

redundant facilities and a shortage of fuel gas

contributing to the disparity. In contrast, in the CNS, the

UKCS’ most productive region and where around one

quarter of production is gas, UOCs have been very close

to the UKCS mean average for the last ten years.

It is interesting to note that the gap between the unit

costs of operating liquids and gas fields on the UKCS

was previously much smaller (see Figure 42 opposite).

The costs of operating liquid production were generally

around 20 per cent higher than gas in the period prior

to 2010, before production fell sharply, driving UOCs

higher for both. However, there was a much greater

decline in liquids production, which has led to a

40 per cent cost premium associated with producing

liquids compared to dry gas, on a unit basis, in 2015.








2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Unit Operating Costs (£/boe)

Southern North Sea and Irish Sea

Central North Sea

Northern North Sea

Source: Oil & Gas UK

Figure 41: Regional Average Unit Operating Costs