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Report of Committee

The legal estate appears to have re-vested in the

vendor by operation of law and a reconveyance is


If the purchaser requires a recon

veyance, it must be at his own expense (see Sandes


Thompson (22 Ch.D. 614)) ; Emmet on Title,

loth Edition, pages 49 and 207. The Committee's

report was adopted.

Public Appointments

The following resolution was proposed, seconded

and unanimously adopted :

" That this Council desires to submit to the

Minister for Justice, the Minister for Local

Government and the Attorney General that

when considering applications from Solicitors

for Public Appointments—all other qualifi

cations being equal—the candidate who fur

nishes evidence that he is a member of both

the Incorporated Law Society and a Bar Associ

ation be preferred for the appointment.

" That copies of this Resolution be forwarded

to the Minister for Justice, the Minister for

Local Government, and the Attorney General."

Application under Section


One application under Section 47 was considered

and granted on payment of the current duty.



THE Half-yearly General Meeting of the Society

was held on Tuesday, i8th May, 1948, in the

Solicitors' Buildings. The President, Mr. Scan 0

hUadhaigh, was in the chair. The following members

of the Society signed their names as being present:

Mr. James R. Quirke, Vice-President; Messrs.

Joseph Barrett, Henry St. J. Blake, Patrick R. Boyd,

Arthur Cox, Francis J. Gearty, Roger Greene,

William S. Hayes, James J. Lynch, William J.

Norman, Daniel O'Connell, Thomas A. O'Reilly,

G. Acheson Overend, Joseph P. Tyrrell, Desmond

Moran, John P. J. Smyth, D. D. MacDonald,

Leonard Webb, P. K. M. Carey, C. Gore-Grimes

and E. H. Byrne.

The notice convening the meeting was by per

mission of the meeting taken as read. The Secretary

read the minutes of the Half-yearly General Meeting,

held on November 26th, 1947, and the Minutes

of the Special General Meeting held on January

29th, 1948, which were signed by the Chairman.

The President announced that he nominated the

following members of the Society to act as scru

tineers for the ballot for the Council to be held on

22nd November,

1948 :—Messrs.

J. R. McC.

Blakeney, D.

J. Collins, T.

Jackson, B.


McCormack and R. J. Tierney.

The Chairman addressing the meeting said :—


Fearaim failte romhaibh chun an chruinnithe seo

na leathbhliana. Ta athas orm a ra go bhfuil gach

deallramh ann go bhfuil ag eiri go geal le cursai

ar ngairme agus go hairithe go bhfuil cuis eigin

dochais againn i dtaobh ar mBille 6 tharlufonn ar

dhuairt an tAire Dli agus Girt an ofche fa dheireadh

ag Dinnear an Chumainn. Ma tamuid ag faniiint

le fada go foighdeach le toradh eigin d'fheicsint

ar obair an Choiste ata i mbun an Bhille, is cosuil go

bhfuil fuascailt ar gcuid deachrachtai ag druidiuint

linn. Ma's maith is mithid e sin, gan amhras !


go blifuil a bheag no a mhor den teangain Naisiunta

ag gach aturnae 6g, de thoradh an Achta a thug

cothram di in oiliuint na bprlntiseacha le


maith anuas, ta a fhios again go bhfuil cuid mhaith

dem' lucht eisteachta nach dtuigeann i, agus, da

bhri sin, ni mor dam an Bearla do tharrac chugam.

Ta siiil agam go dtiocfaidh an la nach mbeidh ga

ag mo chomharbai usaid a bhaint ag a leitheid seo

cruinnithe ach as an Ghaeilg.


It is usual at our Half-yearly Meeting for the

President to refer to the members of our profession

who have died since our last General Meeting.

It is

indeed fitting that we should, on an occasion such

as this, pause for a moment to pay tribute to our

professional brethren who shared the same training

for a life of trust and of service with us, and in

which, perhaps, we had many and pleasant associa

tions with them, to convey our sympathy in their

loss with those who were dear to them and who

depended on their exertions for support, and that

we should pray the good God according to the

measure of our respective faiths to shew their souls

that mercy which we believe is earned by all honest

work in the service of their fellow creatures in any

calling. The close relations and the spirit of co

operation engendered by a common training and

by shared professional ideals which distinguish us

as a body make this peculiarly fitting in the case of

this Society.

Since our last meeting the following members

of our Society have died :

William M. Reid, Cavan ;

John W. Flynn, Dublin;

John Quinn, Tuam;

Herbert J. Smyth, Dublin; Bartholomew Collins,

Dublin ; Frederick B. McDonogh, Tuam ; John M.

Mark, Londonderry ; Michael A. Conroy, Ballagha-

derreen; Harry R. Whelan, Dublin; James Poe,

Kilkenny; B. R. W. Doran, Dublin; Thomas

O'B. Kelly, Limerick ; Harford A. C. Kelly, Dublin;

Thomas H. R. Craig, Dublin; Henry F. Chidley,

Dublin ; Francis E. Stephens, Dublin ; Alexander

Fisher, Newry ; John B. Hamill, Dundalk ; Thomas

H. G. Wallis, Cork; Mrs. Edith G. Temple Lang,

Dublin ; Frederick M. Kelly, Dublin.