January 2009 Tube Products International
Bui lding
Construct ion and
Towering achievement in steel
engineered pile casing
Tubosider technology is being used in the construction of the new 242m steel
and glass Heron Tower in London. The tower is being built using 16 specially
engineered steel pile casing structures, each running almost 14m into the
Commissioned by contractor
Cementation Foundation Skanska
for over £200,000, each black pile
casing is 2.7m in diameter and
3.5mm thick, with upper and lower
spacers top and bottom, plus
flanges and braces. Each mesh-
reinforced casing was also fitted
with a 1m extension for lifting and
“It was critical that the casings
were designed to withstand any
deformation either in transit or
installation, and that they were
finished and ready for a tight
schedule, which they have been,”
commented project manager
Brenton O’Loughlin.
“They also
met extreme tolerance levels –
a few millimetres out of position
would have failed.”
The casing structures were specially designed to be threaded deep into the
London clay and allow Skanska to carry on ‘top-down construction’, providing
access to work below ground even as the tower’s steel columns started to climb
towards the capital’s skyline.
The 46-storey tower, located in Bishopsgate in the City of London, will be a
slender, multi-occupied building providing ‘6 star’ office space, topped by a
public restaurant and bar on three levels, and is scheduled to open in 2011.
– UK
www.tubosider.co.ukConstruction of London’s new Heron
Tower uses 16 threaded steel pile casing
Pipe Center
launches new
Pipe Center, part of the Wolseley group,
has become the UK’s first construction
materials distributor to launch a modular
engineering service, meeting the growing
demand for off-site manufacture.
Pipe Center Modular Engineering will
operate from a bespoke 30,000ft
factory in Worcester, UK.
Modularisation involves the design and
manufacture of pre-fabricated, multi-
service modules, which feature various
components such as pipework, electrics
and ductwork.
The new operation is headed by general
manager Bob Hughes, who has more
than 35 years’ industry experience and
a track record in modularisation, most
recently with Balfour Kilpatrick.
Pipe Center sales director Scott Craig
“Pipe Center Modular
Engineering is an exciting new venture
which reflects our ongoing commitment
to investing in specialist services to our
customers, and complements our pipe
fabrication facility.”
Bob Hughes added that the company is
“in the unique position of being able to
offer customers both the manufacture
and distribution of pre-fabricated
Bob Hughes, Pipe Center Modular
Engineering’s general manager
modules direct to site – all backed
by Wolseley’s efficient and established
supply chain. We will be investing heavily
in industry-leading computer software
to ensure sophisticated design and the
best service level possible.”
“There are significant growth oppor-
tunities in this area as more companies
are embracing the benefits of
modularisation – from helping to achieve
tight timescales in the construction
of a building, to reducing the health
and safety risks associated with
manufacturing the equipment on-site.
Modularisation is also cost effective,
offering an average 10% saving on
installation for example, along with
minimising waste and overcoming
problems of on-site labour shortages.”
Pipe Center is a supplier to mechanical
services and plant engineers, offering
expertise in tube valves and fittings in
steel, plastic, copper, stainless steel and
commercial/industrial heating and air
conditioning equipment. The company
has 90 branches throughout the
– UK
customerservices@wolseley.co.uk www.wolseley.co.ukPipe Center
– UK