CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ
, Mancini held the position of deputy in the Italian Parliament.
Being a draftsman he prepared a legal proposition in the Committee on Legislation.
Based on this draft personal status should have been governed by the law of nations
to which the individual belonged. Art. 6 of Civil Code
(Codice Civile)
approved by
Parliament in 1865 stated:
La stato e le capacità delle persone ed i rapporti di famiglia sono regolati dalla legge
della nazione a cui esse appartengono.
The status and capacity of persons and family relations shall be governed by the law
of the nations to which they belong.
The disposition of the provision placed the law of the nations to which the person
vitally belonged into the normative core. The law of nations ruled in conflict situations
relating to the personal status of a national. Particularly, Mancini determined the
to be the essence
of international law.
principle of nationality placed an individual into the national community which
supposedly had a common ancestor or ancestors. The state represented the fatherland
for the members of the nation.The concept of fatherland included nationalistic content
and an emotional element, whereas the concept of nation involved social content.
In the period of the creation of nation states the principle of nationality acquired
the interest of lawyers and law-makers across the continents. The
Institut de Droit
, established in 1873 in Ghent, which was of no significance at
the beginning, was used as an institutional tool to disseminate the principle of
During the second session of the Institute, held in Geneva, Mancini
recommended in the Guidelines for the Special Part that the principle of nationality
shall be used for the personal status:
Lo Stato e la Capacità della Persona, i Rapporti di Famiglia ed i dirriti e le obbligazioni
che ne derivano, debbono giudicarsi applicando le leggi della sua Patria, cioè della Nazione
a cui essa appartiene; e solo sussidiariamente le leggi del suo attuale Domicili, allorchè diverse
legislazioni civili coesistono in un medesimo Stato, ovvero si tratti di persone prive
di nazionalità, o aventi doppla nazionalità.
Status and capacity of a person, the family relations, and the rights and obligations dependent
thereon shall be governed by application of the laws of his fatherland, that is the nation to
which belongs; and only subsidiarily by application of the laws of his actual domicile when
different civil legislations coexists in one State or when persons without nationality, or persons
with double nationality.
Codice civile del Regno D’Italia. Torino: Stamperia reale, 1865.
MANCINI, Pasquale Stanislao.
Diritto Internazionale
. Volume unico, Napoli: Presso Giuseppe Marghieri,
1873, pp. 2-6.
Mancini took first chairmanship, Bluntschli was a founding member.
Institut de Droit International, Session de Genève, 1874, Rapport Préliminaire sur «L’Utilité de rendre