Anisette, i dash Angostura, f of a wine glass of
Grand Marnier.
Shake and strain in cocktail glass with frosted
rim, add zest of squeezed lemon and serve with
short straws.
Shaker with crushed Ice, the juice of i a lemon
with zest, I tablespoonful of Sirop Framboise, 4
dashes Grand Marnier, i glass of Rum.
Shake and serve in medium size glass, fill with
frappe water and garnish with cut fruit and straws.
Heat a glass of Red Wine in which is
added one liqueur glass Grand Marnier, and pour
out in grog glass containing the yolk of an egg well
beaten with 2 teaspoonfuls of honey.
Stir and serve.
Torrelli's CoUin.
In a large goblet, i tablespoonful of powdered
Sugar, the juice of i a Lemon, and ^ an Orange,
1 liqueur glass of Grand Marnier, -J- a liqueur glass of
Gin, I- a liqueur glass of Maraschino, fill with syphon,
a few small pieces of Ice.
Stir, and serve with straws.
Torrelli's Crusta.
Prepare a claret glass with sugared rim, with a
knife take off rinf of an Grange so as to be able to
garnish the inside of the claret glass. Put a Straw
berry at the bottom, and pour over the following
mixture. In a shaker with crushed Ice, the juice
of a ;1- of a Lemon, ]-a teaspoonful of powdered Sugar,
2 dashes of Angostura, 4 dashes of Noyau, i tea-
spoonful of Maraschino, i liqueur glass of MTiite
Port, I liqueur glass Grand Marnier.
Frappcr and strain in the glass prepared as above,
and serve with short straws.