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loaf sugar on


The juice of six lemons and

one Seville orange, one b ottle of capillaire,

and a quarter of


pound of loaf sugar. Put

the whole into a jug, and when well mixed pour

upon it three pints of boiling water. Cover

the jug close, and keep it near the fire



of an hour. Then add three ounces of sweet

and half an ounce of bitter almonds, blanched

and pouuded fine in a mortar, and gradualJ '.

mixecl with a bottle of white brandy .,




it well, and if s ufficientl y sweet it

may be

used immedi ately .



One quart of cold water, the JUICe of six

lemon s and six pot oranges, four glasses of


j elly

in a liquid state; s tir

th e

whole well tog·e th er; let it rema in covered

over for ha lf an hour; then strain it through

a hair sievP, a nd add to it one bottle of ca_

pillaire, two glasses of sherry, half a pint of

brandy, and one bottle of ora nge sltrul
