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is a great favourite wilh the sons of Cam–

bria; so much so , in<leed, lhat a party sel –

dom <lines or sups in that College without

ils forming n part of their entertainment•.

On the festival of St. D avid, Cambria's

tutelary Saint, an immense si lver gilt bow l,

containing ten gallons, and which was prc–

scnte<l to J esus College by Sir ' Vatkin W.

'Vy11ne in 1732, is fill ed with Swig, a nd

handed round to those who are invited on

that occasion to sit at their festive and

hospitable board. The following

i ~


method of manufacturing it at that College.

P ut into a bowl half a pound of Lisbon

sugar; pour on it one pint of warm beer;

grate a nutmeg and some ginger into it :


four glasses of sherry anrl five additional

pints of beer ; stir it well ; sweeten it to your

c Swig was formerly almosl exclusively confined to

Jesus College; il is now, however, a



throughout the University.
