asse1nblctl , which wc11t
th e table, the
g uests dri11ki ng o ut of the same c up o11e
:1fter a nother. Virgil describes something
like it, whe n, speaking of the entertainmel\t
Queen Dido gave to JEnea s, he says,
Postquam prima quics epulis, mens:l'que rcmot:u;
Cratcras m:.gnos
et vina corooant.
H ic regina gral'cm gem
auroquc poposcit
Implel'itquc mcro patcram : • • • "
. .
. .
P rimaque lil>ato summo tcnus attigit ore.
Tum Ditire dcdit iocrcpitans : ille impiger hausit
Spumnntem patcram, et plcno se proluit anro.
Post alii proccrcs.
I t
has bee11 t he c ustom from time imme–
morial, at the c ivic feasts in Oxford, for the
Grace C np to be introduced before the re–
the cloth, when the Mayor receives
the Cup standing; his right and left haud
g uests a lso rise from their
while lte
gives the toast, which, since the
H efor111a
tio11, has been, "Church
King." Th e