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allowing your child to jump the queue. However, these debentures are not available at every

school and theschools thatdooffer them,have longwaitlists topurchase


isadvisable to


Can I apply for a place for my child before we transfer to Hong Kong?

You can apply to most international schools prior to arrival.

What provision do international schools have for students for whom English is a second


Some international schools in Hong Kong do provide support for children with English as a second




is important to check the level of ESL support and ensure that this is sufficient tomeet

your child’sneeds.

Why do some schools insist on debentures or capital levies?

Debentures are lump sums payable on entry to the school, which are normally refundable when

thechild leaves,or canbesoldon theopenmarket.Corporatedebentures are transferable to

other children sponsoredbythe company thatowns them.Asdebentures usually requirean

extensive capital outlay of at least HK$250,000 to up to over HK$1,000,000, some schools offer

thealternativeofanannualnon-refundablecapitallevypayable inadditiontoschoolfees.The

schoolsthatofferdebenturesorannualcapitalleviesuse theinterest fromthedeposits to fund

thebuildingofnewschoolsorforthemaintenanceoftheexisting facilities.

Do I need to visit a school before selecting it?

It is strongly recommended that you do visit the school before choosing it, if this is possible.

Only by visiting the school can you gain an impression of the school culture,theattitude of the

teachers and the happiness of the pupils. Such a visit will help you decide if your childwill fit in

the environment and if the school shares your educational values. If possible, visit the school with


International schools offer a variety of curricula and qualifications. How can I decide which



school. You are likely to be interested in a school matching your own background. For example, if

youareCanadian youwill tend to look at theCanadian schools first,given that it ispossible you

will return to your home country.Thiswill ensure that your child has no trouble adapting to your

native educationsystem.