ESF Private Independent Schools
English Schools Foundation manages two Private Independent Schools. They offer the
International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP) and
IB Diploma, these schools do not have a restricted catchment area.
Discovery College
Tel: 3969 1000
office@discovery.edu.hk www.discovery.edu.hkRenaissance College
MaOnShan, NewTerritories
Tel: 3556 3556
info@renaissance.edu.hk www.renaissance.edu.hkMainstream Pre-schools Integrating Special Needs
The ESF schools follow an inclusion system, attempting to integrate children with special needs
intothemainstreamenvironmentasfaraspossible.With theexceptionofSarahRoe—which is
geared toward children ages 5 through 19 years with profound difficulties—these schools are for
Special Needs Education and Support
Therearea limitednumber ofeducational supportservicesonoffer to familieswithchildrenwith
special needs.Special needs canbecatered to in-housedepending on theseverityof theneed
and the school the child is attending. The services available in Hong Kong to support children with
moderate to severe disabilities have longqueues to
gainadmission.Itispossible to sitonawait
list for a supported educational program for up to five years. If you wish full integration for your
child, it is worthwhile to check with any international school and they will assess on a case-by-
Youhavetobecreativeandpro-active inorder tomeettheneedsofyourchild.Thiscould involve
a combination of individual therapies and programs that best suit your child. It is important to
assess the cost of programs available in Hong Kong against your insurance.