Programs and Support for Special Needs Children
The Children’s Institute of
Hong Kong
2nd Floor, Kennedy Town Centre
23 Belcher’s Street
Kennedy Town
Tel: 2812 2144
info@tcihk.org www.tcihk.orgThe Harbour School
2nd Floor, Kennedy Town Centre
23 Belcher’s Street
Kennedy Town
Te: 2816 5222
info@theharbourschool.edu.hk www.theharbourschool.edu.hkMatilda Child Development Centre
41Mount Kellett Road,The Peak
Tel: 2849 6138
info@cdchk.org www.cdchk.orgSince the merger of The Springboard
Project andChild Development Centre in
2008,theyhave beenable tooffer a
wider continuum of services for children
aged 0-21.
The Springboard Project Ltd.
2A, 122 Pokfulam Road
Tel: 2813 4508
info@springboard.hk.org www.growingtogether.org.hk/ springboard/index.aspxSince the merger of The Springboard Project
and Child Development Centre in 2008, they
have beenable to offer awider continuumof
services for children aged 0-21.
Handicapped Children
Unit 1-2A, G/F, Tsz Fung House
FungTakEstate, DiamondHill, Kowloon
Tel: 2324 6099
www.parentsassn.org.hkAdvocacy group for pre-school children, as
well as school-age children and adults.
Watchdog Early Learning and
Development Centre
G/F,EastWing,12Borrett RoadCentral
Tel: 2521 7364
info@watchdog.org.hk www.watchdog.org.hkBoth centers offer early intervention
programs for special needs children from
birth to age 6,including individual education
English Schools Foundation (ESF)
Special Unit
25 Floor, Fortis Centre, Quarry Bay
Tel: 2574 2351
www.esf.edu.hkESF Beacon Hill School
Tel: 2336 5221
www.beaconhill.edu.hkESF Jockey Club Sarah Roe School
2BTinKwongRd,Homantin, Kowloon
Tel: 2761 9893
www.jcsrs.edu.hkESF South Island School
50 NamFung Rd, Shouson Hill
Tel: 2555 9313
www.sis.edu.hkSecondary ESF school for children ages 11
Hong Kong Academy
4/FChung On Hall, 15 Stubbs Road Happy
Tel: 2575 8282
admin@hkacademy.edu.hk www.hkacademy.edu.hkKorean International School
55 Lei King Road
Sai Wan Ho
2569 5500
www.kis.edu.hkKorean International School teaches an
for children ages 5 to 18,who havebeen
diagnosed as being mild to moderately
developmentally delayed, and/or speech and
small-language delayed—including Down’s
Syndrome and autism—or as having global
or other pervasive development disorders.
Integration opportunities are available.
The Rainbow Project
Tel: 2537 0114
rainbow@rainbowproject.org www.rainbowproject.orgHong Kong Academy offers an inclusion
needs children into mainstream classrooms
as much as possible. In 2001, Hong Kong
classroom to address autism-specific
education in a small setting, assisted by
a specifically-trained teacher, teaching
assistants,aspeech therapistandan
occupational therapist.