Early Childhood Education
Nursery, kindergarten and reception programs concentrate on the ‘learning through play’ ethos.
All three systems embrace this philosophy as the cornerstone to the building blocks of education.
Primary Years
The primary years programs will vary from system to system.The major difference is inquiry-
based approach to teaching versus knowledge-based approach to teaching. Both methods have
positive statements in their favour.The International Baccalaureate isastrongadvocateof the
inquiry based approach to learning and they believe that it creates lifelong learners equipped with
the tools needed for the 21st Century. The curriculum will vary with the educational system.
The main concentration, regardless of the system, is consolidating reading, writing and arithmetic.
Children shift from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn’ in the primary years program. A number
of established schools here will incorporate mathematics or literacy programs from another
country into their curriculum if they feel it is superior to what is on offer in their own system.
Secondary School
The secondary schoolyearsarewhere thedifferenteducational systemsbecomediverse.
The main purpose of the secondary school years is to prepare your child for university and the
International Baccalaureate, BritishA Levels, French,Australian,American andCanadian diplomas
are accepted worldwide.
Hong Kong provides a wide variety of educational options at the university level. Major institutions
include: University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Polytechnic.
In recent years the student make-up at these campuses have become increasingly international
with many overseas students choosing to study in Hong Kong due to high level of English fluency
International Playgroups, Pre-schools and Kindergartens
There are a large variety of pre-school options for children. Whilst pre-schools will take children
from all areas, we recommend you make your pre-school choice based largely on location.
Majority of children travel to school by school bus and are collected from their homes. Therefore,
short travel times are easier for small children
tomanage.Westrongly recommend you visit
several schools and apply to all that may interest you as spaces can be limited. Hong Kong
pre-schools and Kindergartens generally cater to children 2 to 5.5 years of age in morning and/or
afternoon sessions.