Tai Tam
Tai Tam follows the scenic coast from Stanley to the Redhill Peninsula. Located on Tai TamRoad
are the extensive facilities of The American Club country club and the campus of the Hong Kong
International School’s middle/upper divisions. Well-appointed luxury high-rises and spacious
townhouses ring the area. All have superb recreational facilities with spectacular sea views. The
area isapreferred choice forthosewantingaquiet,resort-likecoastal setting.Central is30-40
minutes away by car and most complexes offer shuttle services.
Other Locations
Clearwater Bay
Due to the surge of business activity in Kowloon, some people prefer to commute from Clearwater
Bay.Clearwater Bayfaces theSouthChinaSeaand someareas ofthe peninsula look over the
prestigious Clearwater Bay Golf Club. It is a resort-like, friendly residential community spread out
amonganumberofvillagesallnestledalong thecoastlineofthepeninsula,enjoying sea views,
charming beaches, and country parks. Commuting from Clearwater Bay will take 20 minutes
to reach Central Kowloon and 20-30 minutes to get to Central/Admiralty. Housing options here
include “village houses,” luxury townhouses, and some high-rises with clubhouse facilities; the
Tsueng Kwan O and Hang Hau MTR stations are minutes away. Nearby Sai Kung, part of Hong
commuting can take up to 45 minutes from Central, and 40 minutes from Central Kowloon.
Discovery Bay
Discovery BayonLantau Island isa25-minuteair-conditioned ferryride
car”policyand tranquil settingareattractive to familiesand thoseseekingarespite fromthe fast
pace of Hong Kong Island. Housing options include high-rises, low-rises, and townhouses.
Since During 2008, Kowloon has become ame an increasingly popular location to live due to
many commercial businesses relocating or setting up in the Kowloon area. Consequently,
this created a surge of residential developments designed to cater for those seeking to live
close totheoffice.Therearenownumerousdevelopments tochoose from,asmostifnotall
developments have been designed to accommodate expatriate living requirements. Commuting
from Kowloon to Central can vary on the specific area you work or reside – from Tsim Sha Tsui
by ferry (7minutes),MTR (10minutes), or car will only take 15-20minutes.For more luxurious
family style properties in Kowloon, residential areas include Kadoorie Avenue, with large houses
and spacious colonial apartments.
For more detail on locations in Hong Kong, view our Orientation Map.