What options for the payment?
Cash (Hong Kong Dollars) check, credit card, bank transfer are mostly accepted by the Serviced
Surcharge may apply on credit card payment.
Is early termination accepted by the serviced apartments?
No early termination is accepted once the leasing agreement is signed. Prior arrangement should
bemadewith theservicedapartment before confirming thebooking ifearly terminationoption is
required (usually for long stay).
Do Serviced Apartments have facilities?
The most common facilities provided by the serviced apartments are gym, reading room,
business centre and self-service laundry facility.However,a lot of the serviced apartments in
Hong Kong are single block building and there is no facility at all. Some serviced apartments may
offer complimentary or discounted membership at a local gym for their guests.
Are pets allowed in the serviced apartment?
ThereareonlyafewservicedapartmentsinHongKongwhichallowpetsandthere isanextra
monthly charge for the pet.
Since much of Hong Kong consists of uninhabited islands ideal for mountainous trekking terrain,
40%of the total land mass is preserved as country parks, the result is that residents live on a
small percentage of the land. This requires considerable amount of vertical living arrangements.
However itisthisanomalyofdenseurbanhigh-risesamidacresandacresofwoodedterrainor
positioned on attractive coastlines, which makes Hong Kong so unique.
Set amongst the mountainous green terrain, along the coastline, or nestled in the bustling city area
you will find a range of spectacular apartments and exclusive private residences ideal for you.
Learn more about districts in Hong Kong, Kowloon, New Territories and neighboring Islands in this