Education Overview
There are many good school options available to expatriate families. Regardless of which school
you choose, the education is generally of a very high standard.
Each international school is categorized by the type of curriculum system taught, for example
American, British, Canadian, French, Australian are the most popular. The type of curriculum
systems vary, for example the British and International Baccalaureate system tends to be
more advanced in the early years, but by secondary school, the systems seem to even out
with the North American system. For example, in Secondary School, the way science and
mathematics are taught are different to the British system. The North American system
breaks studies into topics (e.g., algebra, trigonometry, geometry), whereas the British system
covers all topics at a basic level the first year, then becomes more advanced each year. Also,
Secondary School in the North American curriculum is devoted to studying one of the three
science subjects—chemistry, biology and physics in each year. In comparison, in the British
system students are exposure to all three subjects each year at a basic level and then each
subject becomes more advanced with every new school year.
Education standards are high inHong Kong,it is not uncommon for students to be eligible for
advanced standing and receive first year credits towards their respective degrees in universities
around the world. The International Baccalaureate Diploma is rapidly gaining popularity and is a
respected certificate to have when applying to universities in Hong Kong, England, Canada and
Themain languageofinstruction in the international schools inHongKong isEnglish.Ifyourchild
strugglesinEnglishthebestthingyoucandoisstartEnglish lessonsassoonasyoupossiblycan.
Itwill boostyourchild’s chancesofadmission.Mandarin istaughtatmostinternational schoolsat
various levels and intensity.
All schools are “private” in the sense that expatriates must apply to each school and pay tuition fees,
some of the international schools operate on a debenture system. Debentures are similar to a non-
interest bearing bond. In most instances there are two classes of debenture: corporate or individual.
The corporate debentures are pricier,but offer a better chance of admission into the school.
Many schools have already issued the maximum number of corporate debentures possible.
Toget one now,a companymust put its name on awaiting list andwait for an existing corporate
debenture holder to redeem its holdings.
Personal debentures are issued after a child’s acceptance into the school and are redeemable
when the child leaves.Inaddition to debentures, thereare yearly tuition fees that areusually
payable a term in advance.
Withtherecentincrease inexpatriatesworking inHongKong,thebiggestchallengestudent’s
face issecuringaspace inaschool.Mostschoolshave longwaitlists forentryandyourposition
on the waitlist can be affected by date of application submission. We recommend you start
your search as soon as you can, visit the school links provided within this guide or visit http://
hongkong.brookfieldgrs.comfor more information on schools in Hong Kong prior to your arrival.
Schools and Education
Whichever system you choose for
your child, you can rest assured
that they will have a cultural
exchange that can only enhance
their educational experience and
help create a global citizen.